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Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Ulrey, C., E.S. Menges. 2024. A comprehensive assessment of Liatris helleri demography: insights from 16 years of observations and modeling Population Ecology. | pdf
Vélez-Mora DP, Trigueros‑Alatorre K, Duncan D, Quintana-Ascencio PF. 2024. Natural and anthropogenic factors influence flowering synchrony and production of a dominant plant in an inter-Andean scrub. American Journal of Botany; e16416. | pdf.
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. 2024. El problema de los análisis estadísticos en ecología. Comentario en el Boletín de la Sociedad Ecológica Mexicana. Volumen 4 / Número 5 / 2024 by SCME – Flipsnack
López-Borghesi, F. & P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2024. The omission of seed banks in demography as an example of bias in ecology. Bioscience; biae042, | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Navarra, J., Rosner-Katz, H., & Knothe, C. (2024). Plastic Demographic Responses of Wiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana) Translocated to Contrasting Habitats. Natural Areas Journal 44(2), 87-97| pdf
Guo, Y, EH Boughton, S Bohlman, C Bernacchi, P Bohlen, R Boughton, E DeLucia, J Fauth, N Gomez-Casanovas, DG Jenkins, G Lollis, RS Miller,PF Quintana-Ascencio, G Sonnier, J Sparks, H Swain, J Qiu. 2023. Agricultural intensification alters multifunctionality of metaecosystems. Nature Communications 14:8267 | pdf
P. F. Quintana-Ascencio (2023) The importance of habitat heterogeneity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 120(42), e2314786120| pdf
Hindle, B.J., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, E. S. Menges and D. Z. Childs. 2023. Managing disturbance dependent populations under a changing climate; the implications of seasonal climatic effects. Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14143 | pdf
López-Borghesi, F., S. M. Koontz, S. A. Smith, S. Haller Crate, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, E. S. Menges. 2023. Leveraging projection models to evaluate long-term dynamics of scrub mint translocations. Conservation Science and Practice, DOI: 10.1111/csp2.12947 | pdf
Koontz, S. M., F. López-Borghesi, S. A. Smith, S. Haller Crate, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, E. S. Menges. 2023. Estimating vital rate variation to assess early success of scrub mint translocations. Conservation Science and Practice, DOI: 10.1111/csp2.12934 | pdf
Stahelin, G, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, E. Hoffman, M. Reusche, K. Mansfield. 2022. Using distance metrics and temporal trends to refine mixed stock analyses. Scientific Reports, | pdf
Biazzo, I, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2022. Canopies, the final frog-tier: exploring responses of a specialist treefrog to prescribed fire in a pyrogenic ecosystem. Fire Ecology, | pdf
Vélez-Mora D.P., E. Gusmán, C. I. Espinosa and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2022. Changes in climate, nutrients and grazing pressure threaten integrity and functioning of Andean shrublands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 10.1080/17550874.2022.2122753 | pdf
Li, H, EH Boughton, DG Jenkins, G Sonnier, PF Quintana-Ascencio. 2021. Multiple spatial scales affect direct and indirect interactions between a non-native and a native species. Plant Ecology | pdf
Vélez-Mora D.P., Trigueros, K., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2021. Evidence of morphological divergence and reproductive isolation in a narrow elevation gradient. Evolutionary Biology| pdf
Coutts, S.R., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., E.S. Menges, R Salguero-Gómez & D. Childs. 2021. The magnitude of fine-scale spatial variation in fitness is comparable to disturbance induced fluctuations in a fire-adapted herbaceous perennial. Ecology, 11, 3099. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3287| pdf
García-Cervigón, A.I., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Escudero, A., Ferrer-Cervantes, M.E., Sánchez, A.M.,Iriondo, J.M, Miguel Olano, J. 2021. Demographic effects of interacting species: exploring stable coexistence under increased climatic variability in a semiarid shrub community. Sci Rep 11, 3099. | pdf
Boughton, E.H., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio & P.J. Bohlen. 2020. Grazing and microhabitat interact to affect plant interactions in subtropical seasonal wetland. Journal of Vegetation Science, DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12962 | pdf
Sonnier, G, PF Quintana-Ascencio, PJ Bohlen, JE Fauth, DG Jenkins, EH Boughton. 2020. Pasture management, grazing, and fire interact to determine wetland provisioning in a subtropical agroecosystem. Ecosphere 11(8):e03209 | pdf
Vélez-Mora, D., Ramón, P., Vallejo, C., Romero, A., Duncan, D., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. 2020. Environmental drivers of femaleness of an inter-Andean monoecious shrub. Biotropica | pdf
Carrillo Arreola, F., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Ramírez-Marcial, N., González-Espinosa, M. 2020. Seed rain and establishment in successional forests in Chiapas, Mexico. Acta Botanica Mexicana | pdf
Jenkins, D.G., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. 2020. A solution to minimum sample size for regressions. PLOS ONE 229345| pdf
Sánchez-Clavijo L.M., N.J. Bayly & Quintana-Ascencio, P.F.. 2019. Habitat selection in transformed landscapes and the role of forest remnants and shade coffee in the conservation of resident birds. Journal of Animal Ecology, https://doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13108| pdf | Supp 1 | Supp 2
David, A., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., E.S. Menges, K. Thapa-Magar, M. Afkhami, & C. Searcy. 2019. Soil microbiomes underlie population persistence of an endangered plant species. The American Naturalist,| pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. & I. N. Biazzo. 2019. Ecological terms strongly impact research and its implications. Bioscience 69: 769-770. | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., P.F. Koontz, S.M., Ochocki, B.M., Sclater, V. L., López-Borghesi, F., Li, H. & E. S Menges. 2019. Assessing the roles of seed bank, seed dispersal and historical disturbances for metapopulation persistence of a pyrogenic herb. Journal of Ecology, accepted | pdf – editor’s choice
Boughton,E. H., P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, D. G. Jenkins, P. J. Bohlen, J. E. Fauth, A. Engel, G. Hendricks, G. Kiker, S. Shukla, and H. M. Swain. 2019. Tradeoffs and synergies in a payment-for-ecosystem services program on ranchlands in the Everglades headwaters. Ecological Applications, accepted | pdf
Espinosa C.I, D.P. Vélez-Mora, P. Ramón, E. Gusmán Montalván, D.H. Duncan, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2019. Intraspecific interactions affect the spatial pattern of a dominant shrub in a semi-arid scrubland: a prospective approach. Population Ecology | pdf
Hindle, B.J, M. Rees, A W. Sheppard, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio,E. S. Menges & D.Z. Childs. (2018). Exploring population responses to environmental change when there is never enough data; a factor analytic approach. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. | pdf | code and data
Horn K.D., E.S. Menges, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2018. Responses of the clonal endemic shrub Polygonella myriophylla to fire and mechanical disturbance. American Midland Naturalist. | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F.,E.S. Menges. 2018. Demographic measures of Hypericum cumulicola (Hypericaceae) in 15 populations in Florida Rosemary Scrub patches with different time-since-fire, at Archbold Biological Station, Highlands County, Florida from 1994-2015. Environmental Data Initiative. | link
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F.,Koontz, S., Smith, S.; Sclater, V.; David, A.; Menges, E. 2018. Predicting landscape-level distribution and abundance: Integrating demography, fire, elevation, and landscape habitat configuration. Journal of Ecology | pdf
Yin, T., D Gooding, L.M. Castro Morales, D. Wang, Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., D. Hall, J. E. Fauth. 2018. Effect of Herbicides on Evapotranspiration of Willow Marshes in the Upper St. Johns River basin, East-central Florida. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | pdf
Menges, E., Crate, S.J.H., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F.. 2017. Dynamics of gaps, vegetation, and plant species with and without fire. American Journal of Botany, 104: 1825-1836. | pdf
de la Cruz, Marcelino, Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio, Luis Cayuela, Carlos I. Espinosa, Adrián Escudero. 2017. Comment on “The extent of forest in dryland biomes. Science, 10. | pdf | bioRxiv version
Tye MT, Ferrer-Cervantes, M E., Sánchez, AM., García-Cervigón, AI, Escudero A, Albert MJ, Olano JM, Iriondo JM & PF Quintana-Ascencio. 2017. Assessing seed and microsite limitation on population dynamics of a gypsophyte through experimental soil crust disturbance and seed addition. Plant Ecology, 218: 595-607. doi: 10.1007/s11258-017-0714-1 | pdf
Paniw, M., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, F. Ojeda, & R. Salguero-Gómez. 2017. Interacting livestock and fire may both threaten and increase viability of a fire-adapted Mediterranean carnivorous subshrub. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12872 | pdf
Paniw, M., P F. Quintana-Ascencio, F. Ojeda, and R. Salguero-Gómez. 2016. Accounting for uncertainty in dormant life stages in stochastic demographic models. Oikos, doi:10.1111/oik.03696 | pdf
Tye M R., Menges E.S, Weekley C, Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. and R. Salguero-Gomez. 2016. A demographic menage a trois: Interactions between disturbances both amplify and dampen population dynamics of an edemic plant. Journal of Ecology, 104:1778-1788 | pdf
Ulrey, C., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Kauffman, G., Smith, A.B., and E. S. Menges. 2016. Life at the top: Long-term demography, microclimatic refugia, and responses to climate change for a high-elevation southern Appalachian endemic plant. Biological Conservation, 200: 80-92 | pdf
Chee, Y. E., L. Wilkinson, A. E. Nicholson, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, J. E. Fauthd, D. Halle, K. J. Ponzio, L. Rump. 2016. Modelling spatial and temporal changes with GIS and Spatial and Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Environmental Modelling and Software, 82: 108-120. | pdf
Sánchez-Clavijo, L.M., J. Hearns & P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2016. Modeling the effect of habitat selection mechanisms on population responses to landscape structure. Ecological Modelling 328: 99-107 | pdf
Boughton, E. H., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F.; B., Patrick; Fauth, J., & Jenkins, D. 2015. Interactive effects of pasture-management intensity, release from grazing, and prescribed fire on forty subtropical wetland plant assemblages. Journal of Applied Ecology. 53: 159-170 | pdf
Stephens, E. L., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F. 2015. Effects of habitat degradation, microsite, and seed density on the persistence of two native herbs in a subtropical shrubland. American Journal of Botany 102: 1978-1995 | pdf
Medley, K. A., Boughton, E.H., D. G. Jenkins, J. E. Fauth, P. J. Bohlen & P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2015, Intense ranchland management tips the balance of regional and local factors affecting wetland community structure. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 212: 207-244 | pdf
Pannozzo P.L., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio C.R. Hinkle, R. F. Noss. 2015. Are state growth management programs viable tools for biodiversity conservation? A case study examining Florida local governments. Landscape and Urban Planning 139: 94-103 | pdf
Ceriani, S.A., Roth, J.D., Ehrhart, L.M. , Quintana-Ascencio P.F., and Weishampel, J.F. 2014. Developing a common currency for stable isotope analyses of nesting marine turtles. Marine Biology 161:2257-2268. Doi: 10. 1007/s00227-014-2503-x | pdf
Stephens, E.L., Tye, M.R., Quintana-Ascencio P.F., 2014. Habitat and microsite influence demography of two herbs in intact and degraded scrub. Population Ecology 56:447-461 | pdf
Castro Morales L. M., Quintana-Ascencio P.F., J. E. Fauth, K. J. Ponzio, and D. Hall. 2014. Environmental factors affecting germination and seedling survival of Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana). Wetlands 34: 469-478. Doi:10.1007/s13157-014-0513-6 | pdf
McCauley L.A., Jenkins D.G., Quintana-Ascencio P.F. 2014. Reproductive failure of a long-lived wetland tree in urban lands and managed forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:23-33 | pdf
Jones, O.R., A. Scheuerlein, R. Salguero-Gómez, C. Giovanni Camarda, R. Schaible, B.B. Casper, J.P. Dahlgren, J. Ehrlén, M. Begoña García, E.S. Menges, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, H. Caswell, A. Baudisch, J.W. Vaupel. Varieties of ageing across the tree of life. 2013. Nature 505: 169-173 | pdf
Wilkinson, L., Y. E. Chee, Nicholson, A. E and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2013. An object-oriented spatial and temporal Bayesian network for managing willows in and American Heritage River Catchment. Proceedings of the MSTND-13 workshop at UAI-13, Bellevue, Washington, USA, July 11-15 | pdf
Crone, E.E, M. Ellis, W.F. Morris, A. Stanley, T. Bell, P. Bierzychudek, J. Ehrlén. T. N. Kaye, T. M. K.M night, P Lesica, G. Oostermeijer, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, T. Ticktin, T. Valverde, J. L. Williams, D. F. Doak, R. Ganesan, K. McEachern, A. S. Thorpe, E. S. Menges. 2013. Ability of matrix models to explain the past and predict the future of plant populations. Conservation Biology 27:968-978 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio P.F., J. E. Fauth, L. M. Castro Morales, K. J. Ponzio, D. Hall, and K. Snyder. 2013. Taming the beast: Managing hydrology to control Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana) seedlings and cutting. Restoration Ecology, 21 639-647 | pdf
McCauley L.A., Jenkins D.G., Quintana-Ascencio P.F. 2013. Isolated wetland loss and degradation over two decades in an increasingly urbanized landscape. Wetlands 33: 117-127 | pdf
Nicholson, A. E., Y. En Chee, and P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2012. A state-transition DBN for management of willow in an American Heritage River Catchment. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Bayesian Network Modeling Society, Catalina Island, California USA Paper 20.
Ellis, M.M., J. Williams, P. Lesica, T. J. Bell, P. Bierzychudek, M. Bowles, E.E. Crone, D.F. Doak, J. Ehrlén, A. Ellis-Adam, K. McEachern, R. Ganesan, P. Latham, S. Luijten, T.N. Kaye, T. M. Knight, E.S. Menges, W. F. Morris, H. den Nijs,G. Oostermeijer, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, J.S. Shelly, A. Stanley, A. Thorpe, T. Ticktin, T. Valverde, C. Weekley. 2012. Matrix population models from 20 studies of perennial populations. Ecology, 93: 951 . (Data Paper: Ecological Archives) | pdf
Ferrer, M, M E., Méndez-González, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, A. Dorantes Euan, G. Dzib, R. Durán García. 2012. Population dynamics of the cactus Mammillaria gaumeri: an integral projection model approach. Population Ecology, 54: 321-334 | pdf
Stephens, E.L., Castro-Morales, L.M., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. 2012. Post-dispersal seed predation, germination and seedling survival of five rare Florida scrub species in intact and degraded habitats. American Midland Naturalist, 167(2): 223-239. 2012. doi: | pdf
Kirkman, K.L., Smith, L.L., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Kaeser, M.J., Golladay, S.W. & Farmer A.L. 2012. Is species richness congruent among taxa? Surrogacy, complementarity and environmental correlates among three disparate taxa in geographically isolated wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 18:.131-139 | pdf
Navarra, J. J., and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2012. Spatial pattern and composition of the Florida Scrub seed bank and vegetation along an anthropogenic disturbance gradient. Applied Vegetation Science, 15: 349-358 | pdf
Menges, E.S, Stephens, E.L., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. & Ferrer-Cervantes M. E. 2012. Seed germination and seedling survival of Asimina obovata in Florida Scrub. Florida Scientist, 75: 41-50 | pdf
Miller, T, Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. Maliakal-Witt, S, & E. S. Menges 2012. Metacommunity dynamics over 16 years in a pyrogenic shrubland. Conservation Biology, 26: 357-366 | pdf
Boughton, E H., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Bohlen, & Nickerson, D. P. 2011. Differencial facilitative and competitive effects of a dominant macrophyte in grazed subtropical wetlands. Journal of Ecology, 99: 1263-1271. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01850.x | pdf
Martínez-Camilo, R, González-Espinosa, M, Pérez-Farrera, M A. Quintana-Ascencio, P.F. & L. Ruiz-Montoya. 2011. Evaluación del efecto del aprovechamiento foliar en Chamaedorea quezalteca Standl & Steyerm. (Palmae), in the Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, México. Agrociencia, 45: 507-518 | pdf
Navarra, J. J., N. Kohfeldt, E. S. Menges, and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2011. Seed bank changes with time-since-fire in Florida rosemary scrub. Fire Ecology, 7, 17-31. | pdf
Boughton, E. H., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, and P. J. Bohlen. 2011. Refuge effects of Juncus effusus in grazed, subtropical wetland plant communities. Plant Ecology 212:451-460, doi 10.1007/s11258-010-9836-4 | pdf
Lázaro-Zermeño J. M., González-Espinosa, M,Mendoza A, Martínez-Ramos, M and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. Individual growth, reproduction and population dynamics of Dioon merolae (Zamiaceae) under different leaf harvest histories in Central Chiapas, Mexico. Forestry Ecology and Management 261: 427-438 | pdf
Boughton, E H., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Nickerson, D. & Bohlen, P. 2011. Management intensity affects the relationship between non-native and native species in subtropical wetlands. Applied Vegetation Science. 14: 210–220 | pdf
Crone, E., Menges, E., Ellis, M., Bell, T., Bierzychudek, P., Ehrlen, J., Kaye, T., Knight, T., Lesica, P., Morris, W., Oostermeijer, G., Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Stanley, A., Valverde, T., Ticktin, T., Williams, J. 2011. How do plant ecologists use matrix population models? Ecology Letters 14:1 -8 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., E. S. Menges, C. W. Weekley and M. Kelrick. 2011. Biennial cycling caused by demographic delays in a fire-adapted annual plant. Population Ecology 53:131–142; DOI 10.1007/s10144-010-0228-3 | pdf
Boughton, E., P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, P.J. Bohlen, D. G. Jenkins and R. Pickert. 2010. Pasture intensity and isolation interact to affect wetland plant assemblages. Ecography 33: 461-470 | pdf
Matlaga, D , P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, E.S. Menges, and R. Pickert. 2010. Fire mediated edge effects in bayhead tree-islands. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 190-200 | pdf
Schaffer, J., E.S. Menges, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, and C. W. Weekley. 2010. Effects of time-since-fire and microhabitat on the distribution and density of the endemic Parnonychia chartacea ssp. chartacea in Florida Scrub and along roadsides. American Midland Naturalist, 163: 294-310 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., M. J. Albert, I. Caballero, J. M. Olano, and A. Escudero. 2009. Does habitat structure matter? Spatially explicit population modelling of an Iberian gypsum endemic. Population Ecology 51:317-328 | pdf
Knickerbocker, C.M., Leitholf, S., Stephens, E.L., Keellings, D. J., Laird, H., Anderson, C.J.R., Fauth, J. E., and P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2009. Tree encroachment of a sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) marsh within an increasingly urbanized ecosystem. Natural Areas Journal 29:15-26 | pdf
Picó F.X., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Mildén M., Ehrlén J., Pfingsten, I. 2009. Modelling the effects of genetics and habitat on the demography of a grassland herb. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 122-130. Doi:10.1016/j.baae.2008.02.006 | pdf
Dolan, R. W., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Menges, E. S. 2008. Genetic change following fire in a population of a seed-banking perennial plant. Oecologia 158:355-360 | pdf
Glardon C.G., Walters L. J., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., McCauley, L. A., Stam, W. T. and Olsen, J. L. 2008. Predicting risks of invasion of macroalgae in the genus Caulerpa in Florida. Biological Invasions 10: 1147-1157 | pdf
Weekley, C.W, E. S. Menges, and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2007.Seedling emergence and survival of Warea carteri (Brassicaceae), an endangered annual herb of the Florida Scrub. Canadian Journal of Botany 85: 621-628 | pdf
Edwards, C.E., M Arakaki, P.F. Quintana-Ascencio, D.E. Soltis, and P.S. Soltis. 2007. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the endangered scrub Hypericum (Hypericum cumulicola). Molecular Ecology Notes doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01808.x | pdf
Trapnell, D. W., Schmidt, J. P., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F. and Hamrick, J. L. 2007. Genetic diversity and biogeography of the southeastern endemic, Ceratiola ericoides (Empetraceae). Journal of Heredity 98: 587-593 | pdf
Weekley, C. W., D. Gagnon, E. S. Menges, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio and S. Saha. 2007. Soil moisture in relation to vegetation, gaps, and time since fire in Florida scrub. EcoScience 14: 377-386 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P.F., Weekley, C., and E. S. Menges. 2007. Comparative demography of a rare species in Florida scrub and road habitats. Biological Conservation 137:263-270 | pdf
Boughton, E.A.; Quintana-Ascencio, P.F.; Menges, E.S. & Boughton, R.K. 2006. Association of ecotones with relative elevation and fire in an upland Florida landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science. 17:361-368 | pdf
Maschinski, J. J. E. Baggs. P. F. Quintana-Ascencio and E. S. Menges. 2006. Using population viability analysis to predict the effects of climate change on the extinction risk of an endangered limestone endemic shrub, Arizona Cliffrose. Conservation Biology. 20: 218-228 | pdf
Menges, E.S., P.F. Quintana-Ascencio , C.W. Weekley, and O.G. Gaoué. 2006. Population viability analysis and fire return intervals for an endemic Florida scrub mint. Biological Conservation 127: 115-127 | pdf
Trager, M. D., E. S. Menges, P. F Quintana-Ascencio, and C. Weekley. 2005. Outcrossing effects on the reproductive performance of Hypericum cumulicola , an endangered Florida scrub endemic. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 132: 204-213 | pdf
Liu, H., E.S. Menges, and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 2005. Population viability of Chamaecrista keyensis – effects of fire, season and frequency. Ecological Applications , 15:210-221 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio,P. F ., N. Ramírez-Marcial, M. González-Espinosa,and M. Martínez-Icó. 2004. Sapling survival and growth of conifer and broad-leaved trees in successional habitats in the highlands of Chiapas , Mexico . Applied Vegetation Science , 7: 81-88 | pdf
Menges, E. S. and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 2004. Evaluating population viability analysis with fire in Eryringium cuneifolium : deciphering a decade of demographic data. Ecological Monographs , 74: 79-100 | pdf
Brudvig, L. and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 2003. Herbivory and postgrazing response in Hypericum cumulicola . Florida Scientist 66: 99-108.| pdf
Picó, F.X., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio , E. S. Menges, and F. López-Barrera. 2003. Recruitment rates exhibit high elasticity and high temporal variation in populations of a short-lived perennial herb. Oikos 103:69-74 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., E. S. Menges, and C. Weekley. 2003. A fire-explicit population viability analysis of Hypericum cumulicola in Florida rosemary scrub. Conservation Biology 17: 433-449 | pdf
Menges, E. S., and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 2003. Modeling the effects of disturbance, spatial variation and environmental heterogeneity on population viability of plants. pp. 289-311 in Brigham , C.A. and M.W. Schwartz (editors). Population Viability in Plants . Ecological Studies Series Vol 165. Springer Verlag Berlin , Heidelberg , Germany .
Satterthwaite, W., E. S. Menges, and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 2002. Populationviability of Scrub Buckwheat (Eriogonum logifolium var. gnaphalifolium) in relation to fire. Ecological Applications 12: 1672-1678 | pdf
Galindo-Jaimes L., M. González-Espinosa, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio and L. E. García Barrios. 2002. Tree composition and structure in disturbed stands with varying dominance by Pinus sp. in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Plant Ecology. 62 (2): 259-272 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., and E. S. Menges 2000. Competitive abilities of three narrowly endemic plant species in experimental neighborhoods along a fire gradient. American Journal of Botany , 87: 690-699 | pdf
Pérez-Farrera, M.A., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio , B. Salvatierra-Izaba, and A. P. Vovides. 2000. Population dynamics of Ceratozamia Matudai Lundell (Zamiaceae) in el Triunfo Biosphere Reserve , Chiapas , Mexico . Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127 (4): 291-299.
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F ., R. W. Dolan and E. S. Menges. 1998. Hypericum cumulicola demography in unoccupied and occupied Florida scrub patches with different time-since-fire. Journal of Ecology 86: 640-651 | pdf
Ramírez Marcial, N., M. González-Espinosa, S. Ochoa Gaona y P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 1998. Análisis florístico y sucesional en la Estación Biológica Cerro Huitepec, Chiapas, México. Acta Botánica Mexicana 44: 59-85 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F . and M. Morales Hernández. 1997. Fire-mediated effects of shrubs, lichens and herbs on the demography of Hypericum cumulicola in patchy Florida scrub. Oecologia 112: 267-271 | pdf
González-Espinosa, M., S. Ochoa Gaona, N. Ramírez Marcial and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 1997. Contexto vegetacional y florístico de la agricultura en Los Altos de Chiapas, México. [Floristic and vegetational context of the agriculture in the highlands of Chiapas ] Pp. 85-117 in: M.R. Parra-Vázquez y B. M. Díaz-Hernández (eds.). Los Altos de Chiapas: agricultura y crisis rural . El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México.
Quintana-Ascencio,P. F ., M. González Espinosa, N. Ramírez Marcial, G. Domínguez-Vázquez and M. Martínez-Icó. 1996. Soil seed bank and regeneration of Tropical Rain Forest from milpa fields at The Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico. Biotropica 28: 192-209 | pdf
Quintana-Ascencio, P. F and E. S. Menges. 1996. Inferring metapopulation dynamics from patch-level incidence of Florida scrub plants. Conservation Biology 10: 1210-1219 | pdf
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González-Espinosa, M. and P. F. Quintana-Ascencio . 1986. Seed predation and dispersal in a dominant desert plant: Opuntia , ants, birds and mammals. pp 273-284. in: A. Estrada and T.H. Fleming (eds.). Frugivores and seed dispersal . Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht , The Netherlands | pdf
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