This page is for graduation questions for College of Science majors at UCF.
If you’re unsure, please use the Undergraduate Catalog Program Page to search for the College of your major.
Are you ready to Graduate?
Before the semester you intend to graduate:
- Run a Degree Audit to see if you’ve satisfied all requirements for your degree.
- Information on how to locate, read, and understand your degree audit: Degree Audit.
- If you have a minor, certificate, or double major, the degree audit has a drop-down to view each program separately. Check each one.
- All your degree requirements should say “Satisfied” (or “Satisfied with future courses”). If they do not, please make an appointment with an advisor.
- Double majors, minors, etc – Make sure all your correct programs appear in your Degree Audit. If there are any errors, contact to add/drop any degree programs.
- Contact your academic success coach to ensure you’re on track to graduate next semester. Request that they review your degree audit, advise you on final classes, and inform you of any exit requirements/exams.
- Do the same for each minor or certificate, if applicable.
- Enroll in the required courses to complete your degree for the upcoming semester.
- File your Intent to Graduate (ITG) once you are certain you’ve registered for all necessary courses.
Filing Intent to Graduate (ITG)
You should locate the dates to file your graduation application in the Academic Calendar for the term you intend to complete your requirements.
- Complete the “Are you Ready to Graduate?” Checklist above.
- Log into myUCF and navigate to the Student Self Service > Other Academics > Intent to Graduate: Apply, then Follow the directions on the page.
- Watch your UCF Student email carefully in the following weeks, and review the “After you File…” steps below.
Warning: Only file your ITG if you are certain you have registered for all remaining required courses. Filing ITG prevents you from registering for further courses in future terms. Filing ITG prematurely can delay your graduation.
After Filing Intent to Graduate
Complete these steps during your graduation semester, as you complete your final courses:
- Speak with your major department regarding any exit exams or other exit requirements.
- Verify your personal information in myUCF is correct.
- Navigate to myUCF > Student Self Service > Personal Information > Personal Information Summary to review your information on file.
- Be sure to review your address, phone number, and email.
- Fill out the graduation questionnaire at
- A current degree audit is required to complete this form.
- This is the graduation questionnaire needed to complete your graduation “Advisor Appointment.”
- Watch your UCF Student email closely for announcements, requests, and action items from the College of Sciences graduation team.
- You must check your UCF email address frequently as COSAS will be emailing you periodically about the status of your Intent to Graduate form.
- Reply promptly to any requests for action.
- Consider your post-college plans. Consider visiting Career Services for resources on career readiness.
Frequently Asked Questions about Graduation
I have a double major. How does that affect graduation? May I take a course transiently during my graduating term? May I take a CLEP test during my graduating term? I have a different question. How do I submit a request to withdraw my intent to graduate?Graduation Links
UCF Commencement for event dates, regalia, tickets, and more.
UCF Career Services for support in your post-study job search.
UCF Graduate Studies for those applying to a UCF Graduate program.
You may also wish to visit the UCF Graduate Catalog for official class information, and COS Graduate Services for graduate student advising.