UCF researcher Swadeshmukul Santra, Ph.D., associate professor with the NanoScience Technology Center and the chemistry department at UCF, has been awarded a $1.9 million grant to develop a method for protecting the troubled citrus industry from the disease HLB, also known as citrus greening, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson announced Tuesday. In awarding the funding, the U.S. Department of […]
The College of Sciences is pleased to announce that Florian Jentsch, Ph.D., has accepted the offer to become Associate Dean, the position that he has been holding on an interim basis. He will be responsible for overseeing research, facilities, and faculty development. Dr. Jentsch is a Professor of Psychology with a joint appointment in the Department […]
Newly published research that started as a high school science project confirms that the density of sea turtle nests on Florida beaches is reduced where artificial lights along the coast deter nesting females. But the data also show that the network of sea turtle-friendly lighting ordinances along Florida’s coast seems to be working. “It’s a […]
In the 1950s, a group of African-American artists broke the conventional mold by selling paintings during a time marked with extreme discrimination and financial hardships. Amanda Anthony, Ph.D., assistant professor of sociology, had the opportunity to study, research, and learn about these self-taught entrepreneurs. Dubbed The Florida Highwaymen, these artists navigated the Jim Crow south, often finding alternatives to […]
If you’ve watched a space shuttle launch in the past 30 years, you’ve probably heard the voice of Lisa Malone, the former director of Public Affairs for NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), counting down the seconds until liftoff. Now you can expect to hear – and see – Malone at the Nicholson School of Communication […]
A member of the Board of Trustees, chair of the Board’s Educational Programs Committee, co-developer of the Masters in Applied Sociology program, associate professor and previous Graduate Coordinator, Faculty Senate Chair, Ida Cook, Ph.D., has done it all at UCF. Dr. Cook dedicated 39 years of excellent service to the students, the University and the […]
UCF Physics alumnus and current assistant professor in the department, Michael Chini, Ph.D., has earned $480,000 in grants from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He is using laser pulses to create more powerful electronics and partnering with Sumit Jha,Ph.D., UCF assistant computer science professor, who is looking to combine thousands of transistors into a […]
On Thursday, January 28, Scott Branting, Ph.D., will participate in a Future Tense discussion about how present and emerging technologies can be used to deliver cultural heritage from the past to the future. Hosted by New America, a non-partisan think tank in Washington D.C., and in partnership with Arizona State University and Slate magazine, “Deploying Technology to […]
CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE – Isabelle D’Antonio, Contributing Writer In February 2016, hundreds of sea turtle enthusiasts and researchers from around the world will gather in Lima, Peru, for the 36th annual International Sea Turtle Symposium to present their research and discuss conservation efforts. This year, junior Abigail Hudak, UCF biology major, will be one of […]
Doctoral student Matthew L. Lapalme and Assistant Professors Wei Wang, Ph.D., and Dana Joseph, Ph.D., of the department of psychology, collaborated on a recently published paper, “Measurement equivalence of the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale across cultures: An item response theory approach.”, regarding cross cultural differences in emotional intelligence between Chinese and U.S. college students. Dr. Wang’s lab, the Computational Psychology Laboratory, […]
On Friday, Dec. 18, 12 new Ph.D. students graduated from the College of Sciences. A special graduation reception was held to congratulate the graduates on Thursday, Dec. 17. The event was held in the afternoon in the Physical Sciences building. Family members of the graduates, faculty advisors and members of the Dean’s office staff were in attendance. […]
More than 5,000 UCF students will become alumKnights during the fall commencement ceremonies this weekend. The university will award an estimated 5,168 degrees during the three ceremonies. That includes 4,405 bachelor’s degrees, 657 master’s degrees, four education specialist degrees, 12 educational doctoral degrees, 81 Ph.D.’s and nine Doctor of Nursing degrees. The College of Sciences alone will […]
On Oct. 28, Timothy Hawthorne, Ph.D., and The Geospatial STEM Academy hosted Sue Gordon, deputy director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), for a student and STEM meet and greet event. Currently an assistant professor of geographic information systems (GIS) in the department of sociology, Dr. Hawthorne is also the Founding Director and Principal Investigator of […]
By Scott Powers – Writer for Orlando Sentinel Tiny particles of space dust: How do they stick together? How might astronauts not stir them up? Two UCF scientists are asking, and they’ve gotten NASA’s attention. UCF physics Professor and Assistant Director at the Florida Space Institute Joshua Colwell, Ph.D., and UCF physics post-doctoral Research Scientist Julie Brisset, Ph.D., have won […]
Can you solve a murder mystery? On November 19th, the UCF Forensic Science Association (FSA) teamed up with Matanzas High School to help students and hosted their very first “Murder Mystery at Matanzas”. “Murder Mystery at Mantanzas” was designed as an interactive first look at the disciplines within the forensic science field, with an emphasis on crime […]
On Thursday, November 5, the UCF Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) hosted “Life and Careers in the Intelligence Community.” Held as a panel discussion, this event brought together five representatives from different intelligence agencies to introduce and discuss their departments with the students. The panelist talked about their agencies, how they became involved in the intelligence […]
Under a sunset stroked sky in front of the University of Central Florida’s main administration building, university leaders celebrated the common traits of tenacity, collaborative spirit, and commitment to excellence that UCF’s top grant earning researchers share. Twenty-nine researchers earned $1 million or more earning a bid into UCF’s Millionaires Club, which hosted the celebration […]
2015-16 COS Distinguished Speaker Series participant, Sarah Parcak, Ph.D., won the 2016 TED Prize for her work on archeological sites in the Middle East and around the globe. As a satellite archeologist, she is known for discovering, analyzing and preserving archaeological sites by using satellite and infrared imagery. Dr. Parcak was the 1st speaker of the 2015-2016 COS […]
The Department of Anthropology is excited to announce several new classes for Spring 2016. ANT 3275.0001 Anthropological Perspectives on Refugees Tuesday/Thursday 1:30pm – 2:45pm Dr. Vance Geiger Since the United Nations Convention on Refugees to respond to post World War II refugees, people have continued to flee and claim refugee status. There have been […]
On September 22nd, the Renaissance Orlando hotel hosted the 2015 National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemist & Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) conference. This annual conference gathers hundreds of underrepresented chemists and chemical engineers each year, who participate in events such as career fairs, professional training workshops, technical sessions and more. This year’s conference theme was […]
Mark Johnson, Ph.D., professor of Statistics, is a recipient of the American Society of Quality (ASQ) Chemical and Process Industries Division Shewell Award. Given to the best paper based on “excellence of presentation and written manuscript”, Dr. Johnson received this award at the 2015 Fall Technical Conference (FTC) held in Houston, TX. This award was shared with Christine Anderson-Cook, Ph.D., […]
Here’s something that sharks, space and student stress all have in common: They can all be scientifically examined through communication. Attendees found out how linguistic analysis links all of these otherwise unrelated topics Thursday, November 5th, when the College of Sciences held its third Science Café of the semester. The series of talks began in September, and have […]
October 2015 was quite a month for Nicholson’s Melissa D. Dodd, Ph.D. The Ad/PR assistant professor can now proudly add three more letters to her title, upon successful completion of her voluntary APR accreditation. She also learned that she is to be recognized for two prestigious research awards at the International Public Relations Society of […]
There’s a brand-new studio show in progress Monday nights at NSC, and it’s called “ToKnight’s the Night.” The project was spearheaded by Humberto Vileno and other ambitious Nicholson School of Communication (NSC) Radio-Television production students. They’ve been working outside the classroom to practice, learn and create all the recorded content they can before they graduate, […]
ORLANDO, Nov. 4, 2015 — UCF zoologist William Crampton, Ph.D., braves the Amazon River to uncover the secrets of electric fish as part of a new documentary airing on the Smithsonian Channel on Nov. 9 and 22. Dr. Crampton is a world expert on electric eels and knifefish and has spent years studying the creatures […]
When UCF Radio-Television, Broadcast Journalism alumna, Audra Martin, ’08, first learned she had landed her great new role with Fox Sports North, she had some people to call with the news. But she says the call to Tim Brown, Ph.D., her Radio-Television professor at the Nicholson School of Communication (NSC), came second only to the […]
James Rosengren, ’81 | Founder/Chairman/CEO, Heritage Health Solutions Inc. The UCF Alumni Association and College of Sciences presented their 2015 Professional Achievement Award to James Rosengren, ’81, at the annual Black & Gold Gala on Oct. 22. After earning his bachelor’s degree in biology from UCF, Jim went on to earn his master’s degree in […]
Güneş Murat Tezcür, Ph.D., the Jalal Talabany Kurdish Political Studies Endowed Chair at UCF, was inaugurated on October 29th, as part of the Kurdish Political Studies Program’s panel presentation on Kurdish Political Issues. Dr. Kerstin Hamann, Chair of the Political Science Department and Co-Chair of the Kurdish Political Studies Program at UCF, welcomed and thanked the audience for […]
UCF Department of Chemistry assistant professor, James Harper, Ph.D., recently applied for and received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award. Awarded for his research on “Developing Accurate Crystallography Without Diffraction.”, this award is the NSF’s most prestigious award supporting junior faculty and will provide funding for a five-year period. This funding will be used to support […]
Parents who abuse controlled substances have a higher risk of abusing their children, but research shows they could be educated to be more effective parents. A review paper published online in Nature’s Pediatric Research journal this month indicates that along with treatment for substance abuse, parents can greatly benefit from therapy aimed at redirecting their […]