- Congratulation to Thialita Nascimento to receive the 2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award. Thialita Nascimento graduated in Summer 2023 and she is currently a postdoc scholar at Iowa State University. (Nov. 2023)
- Congratulation to Kai Liu and Guanqian Wang to receive the 2023 Graduate Research Excellence Award, Seoyun Choe and Kang Li to receive the 2023 Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, and Isabela Vasconcellos Viana and Michael Scully to receive the 2023 Lee Armstrong Teaching Award. (Nov. 2023)
- Congratulation to Seok-Young Chung and Kai Liu to receive the 2023-24 COS Dean’s Ph.D. Fellowship. (Oct. 2023)
- 13 PhD students and 5 Master students joined the graduate program in Fall. All PhD students and 3 Master students are offered with graduate teaching assistantship, tuition waiver and health insurance coverage, and three students are awarded with UCF Graduate Dean’s fellowship. They received their master/bachelor degrees from Florida Atlantic Univeristy, Huazhong Normal University (China), Liberty University, Rollins College, University of Central Florida and University of North Florida. (08/23)
- Congratulation to Michael Scully to receive the first ever Bob Thorp Award of Excellence for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Fund award. (July 2023)
- Panpan Chen, Seoyun Choe, Michael Lafferty and Wisdom Ogala participated the 2023 Student Scholar Symposium at UCF, March 27-28, 2023. The Student Scholar Symposium provides an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present their research and creative scholarship in a poster format to the UCF community during Student Research Week. Congratulations to Michael Lafferty to win the Judges’ Choice Award at the 2023 Student Scholar Symposium to recognize the excellent work to be presented.
- Seoyun Choe, a South Korea native, work on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Her graduate story at the math phd program is highlighted at Graduate Student Profile, College of Graduate Studies. (01/2023)
- Congratulation to Seoyun Choe, Seok-Young Chung, Wisdom Ogala and Sweety Sarker. Seoyun Choe receives the 2022 Graduate Research Excellence Award for her work on mathematical modeling for infectious diseases. Seok-Young Chung receives the 2022 Graduate Research Excellence Award for his work on Bessel functions and hypergeometric functions. Wisdom Ogala receives the 2022 Graduate Teaching Excellence award for his great passion to teach and deep involvement with students’ learning. Sweety Sarker receives the 2022 Lee Armstrong Teaching Assistant Award for her dedicated service in Mathematics Assistant Learning Lab and the creation of comfort environment for students to discuss, engage and learn. (01/2023)
- Wisdom Ogala was supposed by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI) Program and had a summer internship at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. He use machine learning technique to improve the predictive capability of the energy industry when it came to power outages. His success story is highlighted on the ORISE website . (11/22)
- Math Alliance’s goal is to be sure that every underrepresented or underserved American student with the talent and the ambition has the opportunity to earn a doctoral degree in a mathematical or statistical science. As a silver member of Math Alliance, the program coordinator and PhD student Panpan Chen attend the 2022 Field of Dream conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 4-6, 2022. (11/22)
- In the fall 2022 semester, the program offers 14 graduate courses, including Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Advanced Topics in PDE, Asymptotic Method in Mathematical Statistics, Complex Analysis, Differential Equation for Financial Mathematics, Differential Geometry, Financial Mathematics I, Graph Theory I, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Foundation for Massive Data, Numerical Linear Algebra, Scientific Computing, Seminar in Financial Mathematics, and Topics in Advanced Calculus (08/2022)
- The program has 46 active PhD students and 12 active master students. 15 PhD students are taking dissertation hours. The program currently offers 41 graduate teaching assistantship and 2 graduate research assistantship for students in the PhD program and 3 graduate teaching assistantship for students in the master program. The program has four students conferred with a PhD in the spring and summer 2022 and they have employment at Citi Group (Tampa), Citi Group (Dalla), Floriday Poly-technic University and Rollin’s College after graduation. (08/22)
- 9 PhD students and 5 Master students joined the graduate program in Fall. All PhD students and 2 Master students are offered with graduate teaching assistantship, tuition waiver and health insurance coverage, and two students are awarded with UCF Graduate Dean’s fellowship. They received their master/bachelor degrees from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (India), Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (Brazil), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russian), National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (India), Nova Southern University, Stetson University, Tribhuvan University (Nepal), University of Central Florida, University of Colombo (Sri Lanka), University of North Florida, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, and University of South Florida. (08/22)
- Congratulation to Ranses Alfonse Rodriguez to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Extensions of the General Solution to the Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations, and Variational, Perturbative and Reversible Systems Approaches to Regular and Embedded Solitary Waves”. The committee is ” Sudipto R. Choudhury (chair), Constance Schober, Zhisheng Shuai and Demetrios Christodoulides. He accepted an Assistant Professor position at Florida Polytechnic University. (08/22)
- Congratulation to Ryan Roopnarain to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Various dynamical regimes, and transitions from homogeneous to inhomogeneous steady states in nonlinear systems with delays and diverse couplings”. The committee is ” Sudipto R. Choudhury (chair), Constance Schober, Zhisheng Shuai and Demetrios Christodoulides. He accepted a visiting professor position at Rollins College. (08/22)
- Congratulation to Yuchen Cao to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Optimal impulse controls with changing running cost and applications in mortage refinance”. The committee members are Jiongmin Yong (Chair), Jason Swanson, Christian Keller and Liqiang Li. He accepted a position at Citi group at Dallas after graduation (08/22)
- Congratulation to Chang Li to pass the dissertation defense. Her dissertation is “Optimal stochastic Impluse Control with Decision Lag”. The committee members are Professors Jiongmin Yong (Chair), Jason Swanson, Christian Keller and Liqiang Ni. She accepted a position at Citi Group at Tampa after graduation. (04/22)
- Student Research Week has been a long-standing tradition at UCF. Several students in the program presented their work the university’s annual Student Scholar Symposium, the cornerstone of Student Research Week. The project presented by Huntir Bass “Save Endangered Giraffes from Extinction with the Power of Math” is on the UCF Today, Student Life Section.
Seoyun Choe’s project “The Impact of the Travel Restriction on the Infectious Disease Dynamics in Multi-Patch Models” is awarded as the 2022 Student Scholar Symposium Winners. Choe is also invited to represent UCF at the 2022 Florida Statewide Graduate Student Research Symposium (04/2022)
- The math graduate program is rank No. 110 in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools of 2022. The best graduate program ranking in mathematics is the best graduate-level math programs. Each school’s score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions. (03/2022)
- The program admitted two new PhD students and one master students in the spring 2022 semester. They received their master/bachelor degrees in mathematics or related fields from Cuny York College, Qassin University and University of Central Florida. (01/2022)
- Two students are offered external Internships at Citi Group and Lockheed Martin Cooperation in the spring semester. (01/2022)
- In the Spring 2022 semester, the program offers 12 graduate courses, including Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Bayesian Analysis and Approximation Theory, Computational Method for Financial Mathematics II, Complex Variables, Introduction to Random Matrix Theory, Introduction to Differential Geometry, Measure and Probability I, Partial Differential Equations, Proseminar on Financial Mathematics, Real Analysis, Risk Management for Financial Mathematics, and Topology. (01/2022)
- Congratulation to Feng Yu to receive the 2021 Outstanding dissertation award, Yaxuan Wang to receive the 2021 Graduate Research Excellence Award, Oluwaseun Farotimi and Xing Fan to receive the 2021 Graduate Teaching Excellence Award and Teresa Bosch to receive the 2021 Lee Armstrong Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. (12/21)
- In Fall 2021, the program offers 55 graduate teaching assistantship for PhD students, 7 graduate teaching assistantship for master students and 1 graduate research assistantship. 2 students are offered external internships. (08/21)
- 12 PhD students and 9 Master students joined the graduate program in Fall. All PhD students and 4 Master students are offered with graduate teaching assistantship, tuition waiver and health insurance coverage, and one PhD student is offered with UCF Graduate Dean’s fellowship. They received their master/bachelor degrees from Concordia University SGW (Canada); Depaul University; Florida State University; Grand Velley State University; Nova Northeastern University; Pontifica Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Southeast Missouri State University; Stetson University; SUNY Cortland; Tribhuvan University (Nepal); University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of North Florida; University of South Florida, and Winthrop University. (08/21)
- In the fall 2021 semester, the program offers 14 graduate courses, including Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Algebraic Topology, Computational Method for Financial Mathematics I, Financial Mathematics II, Functional Analysis, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Introduction to Deep Learning, Mathematical Modelling II, Mathematical Statistics, Integral Equations and Calculus of Variation, Optimization Theory, Scientific Computing, Stochastic Calculus, and Topics in Advanced Calculus (08/2021)
- David Guinovart Sanjuan passed the dissertation defense and graduated with a PhD awarded. The dissertation committee consists of Kuppalapalle Vajravelu (Chair), Reinaldo Rodriguez Ramos, Ram N. Mohapatra and Hansen A. Mansy. The title of his dissertation is ““Computation of effective properties of smart composite materials with generalized periodicity using the two-scales asymptotic homogenization method. (07/21)
- Feng Yu passed the dissertation defense and graduated with a PhD awarded. The dissertation committee consists of Teng Zhang (Chair), Marianna Y. Pensky, Jason Richard Swanson and George Atia. The title of his dissertation is Regularized Estimations in Some Statistical Problems. Dr. Feng Yu accepted a postdoc position at University of Albany after graduation. (07/2021)
- In the summer 2021, the program offers 23 graduate teaching assistantship and 5 graduate research assistantship. 3 students are offered Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI) at Argonne National Laboratory, Quantitative Model Analyst Internship at Valley Bank, and Clinical SAS Internship at Intego Group respectively. (05/21)
- Xing Fang and Hanna Reed were accepted with partial financial support, to participate in the sixteenth Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp, which will be held from June 9–12, 2021 and the Mathematical Problems in Industry Workshop, which will be held from June 14–18, 2021. (05/21)
- Wisdom Ogala was offered an internship with the Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI) program at Argonne National Laboratory. This program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS). This internship appointment is awarded in recognition of students’ past achievements, academic and career objectives, and interest in the NSF DMS mission. (05/21)
- Yuchen Cao is selected to receive a Student Travel Award in the form of a registration waiver for the SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering (FM21) to be held virtually on June 1 – 4, 2021. Funding for this waiver is made possible by the National Science Foundation (NSF). (05/21)
- Thialita Nascimento is supported to participate the 2021 MSRI Summer Graduate School: Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis. MSRI was founded in 1982 and has been primarily funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) . Approximately 2,000 mathematical scientists visit MSRI each year, many for substantial periods. (05/21)
- In the Summer 2021 semester, the program offers 2 graduate courses, including MAP 5435: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and MAP 5336: Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications. (05/2021)
- The following five graduate courses: MAA 5237 Mathematical Analysis, MAP 6197: Mathematical Introduction to Deep Learning, MAP 6387 Numerical Linear Algebra, MAS 6116 Introduction to Random Matrix Theory, and MTG 6345: Algebraic Topology have been added in the graduate course listing starting from Fall 2021 (05/2021)
- Congratulation to Xing Fan to be awardees of the 2021 Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship. The scholarship was generously supported by alumni Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993) for graduate students in the department of Mathematics with an interest in working on industry problems. (04/21)
- Feng Yu is supported to participate the 2021 Summer Graduate School at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), entitled Mathematics of Big Data: Sketching and (Multi-) Linear Algebra. (03/2021)
- 4 PhD and 2 master students joined the graduate program in Spring 2021. They received their master/bachelor degrees in mathematics or related fields from Columbia University; Duke University; Georgia Southern University; Stevens Institute of Technology; University of Central Florida; and University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. (01/21)
- In the Spring 2021 semester, the program offers 12 graduate courses, including Algebra II, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Approximation Techniques, Asymptotic Method in Mathematical Statistics, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations for Financial Mathematics, Financial Mathematics I, Graph Theory II, Mathematical Modeling, Measure and Probability II, Numerical Solution of PDE, and Real Analysis. (01/2021)
- Congratulation to Dr. Wei Yan to received the 2020 departmental Outstanding Dissertation Award. The title of her dissertation is Mean Field Optimal Control and Related Problems. Dr. Wei Yan was under the supervision of Professor Jiongmin Yong, and she is currently a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan. (01/21)
- Congratulation to Nazar Emirov to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Distributed algorithms and inverse graph filtering”. The committee members are Professors Qiyu Sun (Chair), Deguang Han, Zuhair Nashed, Zhihua Qu and Zhisheng Shuai. He accepted a post-doctoral position at Boston College after graduation. (12/20)
- The Second SIAM Knights Conference, sponsored by the SIAM Student Chapter at the University of Central Florida, held virtually on Friday, December 4th, 2020. The organizing committee are PhD students, Ranses Alfonso Rodriguez,, David Guinovart Sanjuan and Poroshat Yazdanbakhshghahyazi in the program. (12/20)
- Congratulation to Feng Yu received the 2020 Graduate Research Excellence Award, Panpan Chen and Poroshat Yazdanbakhshghahyazi to receive the 2020 Graduate Teaching Excellence Award and Yuchen Cao received the 2020 Lee Armstrong Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. (11/20)
- The graduate fair on the 2020 Field of Dreams conference, the annual meeting of MathAlliance (The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences), was attended virtually. The department is a silver member of Math Alliance since 2017. (10/20)
- In the fall 2020 semester, the program offers 47 graduate teaching assistantship and 3 graduate research assistantship for students in the PhD program and 4 graduate teaching assistantship for students in the master program. (08/2020)
- In the fall 2020 semester, the program offers 14 graduate courses, including Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Advanced Topics in PDE, Algebra I, Analysis I, Bayesian Analysis and Approximation Theory, Complex Analysis, Computational Method in Financial Mathematics, Graph Theory I, Measure and Probability I, Optimization Theory, Scientific Computing, Seminar on Financial Mathematics, and Topics in Advanced Calculus (08/2020)
- 14 PhD students, 4 Master students and 4 Mathematical Certificate students joined the graduate program in Fall. 13 PhD students and 2 Master students are offered with graduate teaching assistantship, tuition waiver and health insurance coverage, one PhD student is offered with UCF Graduate Dean’s fellowship. They received their master/bachelor degrees from Belmont University; Chung Ang University (Korea); COE College; Florida Institute of Technology; Georgia Southern University; King Saud University (Saudi Arabia); Sam Houston State University; University of Athens (Greece); University of Central Florida; University of Central Oklahoma; University of Florida; University of North Florida; University of West Florida and Youngstown State University. Due to the COVID-19, admission of several students are deferred to Spring 2021. (08/20)
- Congratulation to Ramchadra Rimal to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Estimation and clustering for network and indirect data”. The committee members are Professor Mairanna Pensky (Chair), Professor Teng Zhang, Professor Jason Swanson and Professor Ulas Bagci. He accepted a tenure-track position at Department of Mathematics, Middle Tennessee State University after graduation. (07/20)
- Congratulation to Majid Noroozi to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Estimation and Clustering in Block Models”. The committee members are Professor Mairanna Pensky (Chair), Professor Zixia Song, Professor Teng Zhang and Professor Hassan Foroosh. He accepted a postdoc fellowship at Washington University in Saint Louis after graduation. (07/20)
- Congratulation to Wei Yan to pass the dissertation defense. Her dissertation is “Mean Field Optimal Control and Related Problems”. The committee members are Professor Jiongmin Yong (Chair), Professor Liqiang Ni, Professor Yuanwei Qi and Professor Jason Swanson. She accepted a postdoc fellowship at Michigan State University after graduation. (07/20)
- The program adds two graduate certificate program, Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate on Financial Mathematics and Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate on Data, and admits students from Fall 2020. The Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate on Financial Mathematics is designed for students to gain knowledge of mathematical finance and to pursue careers in financial services industry and regulatory agency. The Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate on Data Modeling is designed for students to gain knowledge of mathematical modeling and analytics techniques for data extraction, and to prepare their career on data analyst and data architect. (06/2020)
- ModelingDavid Guinovart Sanjuan was selected to participate the AIM/MCRN Summer School on Dynamics, Data, and the COVID 19 Pandemic from June 22 until July 31, 2020. (06/20)
- Chang Li is offered by Citigroup at Tampa as Internship in Summer 2020. She is working on financial mathematics under the supervision of Professor Jiongmin Yong and she is expected to graduate in summer 2021 with a PhD conferred. (05/20)
- Congratulation to Chang Li and Poroshat Yazdanbakhshghahyazi to be awardees of the 2020 Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship. The scholarship was generously supported by alumni Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993) for graduate students in the department of Mathematics with an interest in working on industry problems. (05/20)
- The PhD program offers 22 GTAs and 9 GRAs in the summer 2020. (04/20)
- Nazar Emirov and Chang Li were accepted for participation in the IMA Math-to-Industry Boot Camp V to be held June 22 – July 31, 2020, offered virtually. The Math-to-Industry Boot Camp V at Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is an intense six-week session designed to provide graduate students with training and experience that is valuable for employment outside of academia. (04/20)
- Donald Marks (Master, Fall 1978) received the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards. (04/20)
- Congratulation to Jason William Bentley to pass the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Transfunctions and other topics in measure theory”. The committee members are Dr. Piotr Mikusinski (Chair), Dr. Andrew Nevai, Dr. Joseph P. Brennan and Dr. Pedro‐Quintana‐Ascencio. (03/20)
- Congratulation to Chang Li to be the recipient of the UCF Doctoral Research Support Award. This award is to assist students with dissertation research expenses. (03/20)
- Yu Feng will attend the 2020 Summer Graduate Schools, Sums of Squares Method in Geometry, Combinatorics and Optimization, with financial support from the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI). MSRI was founded in 1982 and has been primarily funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) . Approximately 2,000 mathematical scientists visit MSRI each year, many for substantial periods. (02/20)
- Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993) will receive the 71th Annual Emmy’s Lifetime Achievement award for her pioneering work in video and digital services. The Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards are awarded to a living individual, a company, or a scientific or technical organization for developments and/or standardization involved in engineering technologies that either represent so extensive an improvement on existing methods or are so innovative in nature that they materially have affected television. Yvette is also a 2011 recipient of the UCF Distinguished Alumni Award and she generously supports students in the math graduate program through the Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship. (01/20)
Yvette Kanouff - Ranses Alfonso, David Guinovart, and Ramchandra Rimal attend the Joint Mathematical Meeting at Denver, January 15-18 and helped the program on the graduate fair. The joint math meeting is the largest mathematics meeting in the world. Several recent graduate alumni also attended the meeting and gave invited talks. (01/20)
- Congratulation to Elliot Blackstone to received the 2019 departmental Outstanding dissertation award. The title of his dissertation is Spectral Properties of the Finite Hilbert Transform on Two Adjacent Intervals Via the Method of Riemann-Hilbert Problem. Dr. Elliot Blackstone was under the supervision of Professors Alexander Tovbis and Alexander Katsevich, and he is currently a postdoc at Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. (01/20)
- 5 PhD students joined the graduate program in Spring 2020. They received their master/bachelor degrees from Degum Rokeya University, Bangladesh; Ohio State University; University of Central Florida and University of London. (01/20)
- Qiyu Sun and David Guinovart Sanjuan represented the program to attend the 2019 Field of Dreams conference at Saint Louis, November 15-17, 2019. A research poster is presented by David during the conference. The conference is an annual meeting of MathAlliance (The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences). The department is a silver member of Math Alliance since 2017. (11/19)
- Ramchandra Rimal received the 2019 Graduate Research Excellence Award, Ranses Alfonso Sanjuan and Wei Yan to receive the 2019 Graduate Teaching Excellence Award and Nazar Emirov received the 2019 Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Congratulation. (11/19)
- Joseph Brennan and Qiyu Sun took the 2019 graduate recruit trip from October 21-23, 2019 and November 7, 2019 to visit Georgia Southern University, College of Charleston, UNC Wilmington, University of North Carolina at Greensboro and University of North Florida. (11/19)
- Nathaniel A. Adu took final oral examination for his dissertation on October 18, 2019. The title of the dissertation is “Spatial Models with Specific Error Structures“. Dr. Adu is under the supervision of Professor Gary Richardson and will take an assistant professor position at Physics and Mathematics Department, Pacific Union College in Northern California from Fall 2020. (10/19; 05/20)
- Pawan Gupta took final oral examination for his dissertation on September 19, 2019. The title of his dissertation is “Solution of linear ill-posed problems using over complete dictionaries”. He is currently a postdoc at University of Maryland. (09/2019)
- Donald Marks (Master 78, Bachelor 73), retired from Hilltop Wood Creations, received the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards. He was recognized by the College of Sciences for his achievements . “Tonight’s awardees were selected for this honor based on their professional achievement, exceptional community service and the myriad ways they reflect the college’s mission to expand knowledge in science, mathematics and communication,” Dean Michael Johnson, Ph.D said. (09/2019)
- 13 new PhD students, 6 master students and 3 graduate certificate students joined the program in the 2019 Fall semester. They earned their last degree either master or bachelor at Barry University, Beijing Institute of Technology (China), Central Southern University (China), Cuny Brooklyn College, Florida International University, Florida Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, Saint Louis University, Syracuse University, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, University of North Florida, University Selisia in Katowice (Poland), University of South Florida, and University of West Florida. (08/19)
- Congratulation to David Guinovart Sanjuan to be awardees of the 2019 Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship. The scholarship was generously supported by alumni Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993) for graduate students in the department of Mathematics with an interest in working on industry problems. (05/19)
- Jingmei Zhang took final oral exam on her dissertation, Two Ramsey-related problems. The committee members are Professors Zixia Song (Chair), Yue Zhao, Heath Martin and Damla Turgut. After graduation, she accepted the postdoc offer at Southern University of Science and Technology, China. (04/2019)
- Rasika Rajapakshage took final oral exam on his dissertation, Estimation and clustering in statistical ill-posed linear inverse problems. The committee members are Professors Marianna Pensky (Chair), Jason Swanson, Teng Zhang, Hassan Foroosh and Ulas BagciRasika. He accepted the postdoc position at University of Wyoming. (04/2019)
- 2 new PhD students and 2 master students joined the program in the 2019 Spring semester. (01/19)
- Nathaniel Adu and Qiyu Sun attended the 2018 Field of Dreams at Saint Louis, organized by Math Alliance, and presented at the Graduate Fair from November 2 to 4, 2018.
- Congratulation to Mangalama Dewasurendra to receive the 2018 Graduate Research Excellence Award, to Frederick Reid and Majid Noroozi to receive the 2018 Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, and to Pawan Gupta and Ramchandra Rimal to receive the 2018 GraduateTeaching Assistant Award.
- The graduate program has initiated a UCF Math graduate association.The association is dedicated to connecting the diverse UCF math graduate community through mentoring program, graduate workshops/seminars and activities. The association will coordinate the graduate mentoring program (senior GTA help new graduate students on their study and teaching), and organize some activities for all graduate students to participant. Elliot Blackstone is appointed as the first President of the Association. The association organized the first event, Potluck and Friendly Gathering, on October 20, 2018
- Joseph Brennan and Qiyu Sun took the 2018 graduate recruit trip from October 15 to 19, 2018 and they visited Kennesaw State University, University of North Alabama, University of Mississippi, University of South Alabama and University of West Florida.
- The 2018 UCF Graduate Fair held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, from 4:30 p.m to 7:30 p.m. in the UCF Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom. The fair offers an open house-style event that is free and open to anyone interested in a doctoral, master’s, specialist or certificate program at UCF. Joseph Brennan, Rasika Rajapakshage and Qiyu Sun attended in the graduate fair and asked questions by perspective students.
- Graduate Rajitha Ranasinghe will give a talk on Combinatory Analysis 2018,A Conference in Honor of George Andrews’ 80th Birthday, Penn State University, June 21-24, 2018.
- Dr. Rajitha Puwakgolle Gedara (advisor Xin Li) earned a Ph.D. with a dissertation titled, “In Quest of Bernstein Inequalities: Rational Functions, Askey-Wilson Operator, and Summation Identities for Entire Functions.” He took a senior lecturer position at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka after graduation (08/2018)
- Dr. Kyle Trainor (Advisor: Joseph Brennan) earned a Ph.D. with a dissertation titled, “Hilbert Series for Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Monomial Ideals.” (08/2018)
- Dr. Alexander York (Advisor: Joseph Brennan) earned a Ph.D. with a dissertation titled, “Quasi-Gorenstein Modules.” Now he work as a lecturer at University of Florida after graduation. (08/2018)
- Ajani Ruwandhika De Vas Gunasekara graduated with a master degree and took a lecturer position at Sri Lanka.
- Wei Yan is offered by Wells Fargo Bank in Charlotte, North Carolina asQuantitative Intern. in Summer 2018. The internship provides her a great opportunity to work with and implement mathematical finance model for risk segmentation and stress testing for a variety of lending products. Also it will help her to reconsider some mathematical problems from industrial point of view and to practice stochastic analysis, control theory and coding techniques.
- The department hold annual awards ceremony on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Congratulate to Panpan Chen and David Guinovart to receive Dr. Ed Norman Award for Excellence in Mathematics, Christian Bosse for Dr. Lee Armstrong Award for Excellence in Teaching, and Vanessa Lowry for MALL Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Tutoring.
Panpan Chen and David Guinovart Sanjuan - Joseph Brennan and Qiyu Sun represented the UCF Math Graduate program to attend the TROYMathFest at Troy University, Alabama, April 6-7, 2018.
- Christian Bosse, Rajitha Puwakgolle and Jingmei Zhang had poster presentations and Ajani De Vas Gunasekara has oral presentation the Fifteenth Annual Graduate Research Forum on April 3, 2018 hosted by the UCF College of Graduate Studies. The Graduate Research Forum is an opportunity for students to showcase their research and creative projects and to receive valuable feedback from faculty judges.
- Dr. Arita Dutta, postdoctoral researcher at the Visual Computing Center at KAUST, Saudi Arabia, visited the department and gave an alumnus talk on March 9, 2018 to talk about his graduate life at UCF and his experience after graduation.
Arita Dutta - Christian Bosse and Jingmei Zhang are invited to give a presentation at the 49th International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, March 4-6, 2018, at Florida Atlantic University.
- Joseph Brennan, Ted Juste and Qiyu Sun attended the 2018 Gulf States Math
Alliance Conference at Tulane University, February 23-25, 2018, and have a presentation of the math graduate program.Joseph Brennan and Ted Juste - Nazar Emirov is invited to attend Spring School hosted by the DASIV Smart State Center at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, February 22-25, 2018.
- Pawan Gupta, Rasika Rajapakshage, Rajita Ranasinghe and Ramchandra Rimal presented their research on the 2018 Joint Meetings Of The Florida Section Of The
Mathematical Association of America And The Florida Two-Year College Mathematics
Association, Florida Atlantic University, Davie Campus, February 9 – 10, 2018. - Professor Akram Aldroubi gave a career talk on February 2, 2018. He graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University. He is a fellow of American Mathematical Society and editors of several journals on Fourier Analysis and Sampling Theory. His main interest is on harmonic analysis, functional analysis, wavelet theory, frame theory, sampling theory, approximation theory, image processing and biomathematics. His papers is cited more than 14000 times by Google Scholar.
- Qiyu Sun and Rajitha Puwakgolle represented the program to attend at graduate school fair at AMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 10-13, 2018. The graduate school fair is an opportunity to attract attention and to create interest for students in the mathematical sciences.
- Congratulation to Cheng Cheng, who is honored to receive the 2017 Departmental Outstanding Dissertation Award.
- Professor Katepalli R. Sreenivasan gave a carear talk on November 6, 2017. Professor Sreenivasan is Dean of NYU Tandon School of Engineering, The Eugene Kleiner Professor for Innovation in Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Physics (Faculty of Arts and Science), Mathematics (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences). He received lots of award and honor, including Member of United States National Academy of Sciences (2007), Member of United States National Academy of Engineering (1999), Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1997).
- The department joined the Math Alliance as a silver member and Qiyu Sun attended the 2017 Field of Dreams at Saint Louis from November 2 to 5, 2017, and presented a the graduate program fair.
- The UCF SIAM chapter was established and more than twenty graduate students are registered in the Chapter. Congratulation for Rasika Rajapakshage to be the first president of the chapter.
- Congratulation to Rajitha Puwakgolle, who received $500 travel support from the American Mathematical Society for his attendance at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, CA. 10/2017
Rajitha Puwakgolle - Joseph Brennan and Qiyu Sun visited the University of West Florida, University of North Florida, Georgia Southern University, Auburn University, Tuskegee University and Auburn University at Montgomery to give presentations about the UCF Math graduate program. 10/2017
- Congratulation to Rajitha Puwakgolle (recipient of the 2017 Research Excellence Award), Christian Bosse (recipient of the 2017 Graduate Teaching Excellence award) and Jingmei Zhang (recipients of the 2017 Graduate Teaching Assistant Award). 10/2017
- Jason Bentley, Elliot Blackstone, Mangalagama Dewasurendra, Ted Juste, Rasika Rajapakshage and Rajitha Ranasinghe, presented their research during the Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of AMS held at UCF on September 23-24, 2017.
- Tanushree Roy received the 2017 Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship.
- There are 13 PhD students, 3 Master students and 17 Mathematical Certificate students to join the UCF Math graduate program in the 2017 summer/fall semester.
- Cheng Cheng (PhD, Summer 2016) will be a PostdoctoralResearcher at Duke Univerisity and under the supervision of professor Ingrid Daubechies. Quoted from her words to the graduate program, “I am very fortunate to be a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at UCF. I am grateful to my advisors Professors Xin Li and Qiyu Sun for their insightful ideas, endless patience, excellent guidance and funding that make my PhD experience productive and stimulating.” She also gave the credit to UCF as “one of the best universities in the nation. Without the unlimited resources and greatest faculties here, I could not make any of my achievements. Please extend appreciation to all the faculties and staffs for the excellent learning experience.
Cheng Cheng (PhD student, Advisors: Xin Li and Qiyu Sun) - Rasika Rajapakshage is supported to attend the summer school on data science at Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington. (07/2017)
- Tyler Gomez (advisor: Jason Swanson) passed the dissertation defense on July 6, 2017. The title of his dissertation is Filtering Problems in Stochastic Tomography. (07/2017)
- Cheng Cheng (advisor: Xin Li and Qiyu Sun) passed the dissertation defense on July 6, 2017. The title of her dissertation is Sampling and Reconstruction of Spatial Signals. (07/2017)
- Martin Rolek (PhD Spring 2017, advisor Zixia Song) will join College of William and Mary as Visiting Assistant Professor from Fall 2017.
Martin Rolek - Cheng Cheng attended CBMS Conference on Sparse Approximation and Signal Recovery Algorithms, May 22-26, 2017 and gave a talk at the 16th New Mexico Analysis Seminar, May 21, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. (05/2017)
- The PhD and Master program will add Financial Mathematics tracks in Fall 2017 (04/13/2017)
- Aritra Dutta (PhD 2016) will be a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Edinburgh, with joint affiliation at the Visual Computing Center in KAUST, Saudi Arabia. In Dr. Dutta’s own words, “six years of rigorous training under the supervision of professors Xin Li and Qiyu Sun made me think creatively about problems and I developed aninquisitive mind.” Quoted from his comments to the graduate program, “the faculties in the math department are working on cutting edge research problems and there are ample opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. If you have the strong quest to learn and you believe in giving your best as a graduate student,UCF can help you to flourish as a complete researcher. You can reach your dream and compete with students from top schools all over the world.”
Aritra Dutta (PhD, Fall 2016), a Postdoc at the University of Edinburgh and KAUST, Saudi Arabia - Congratulation to Matthew Russo (recipient of the 2016 Norman award for excellence in Mathematics), Daniel Marulanda (recipient of the 2016 Master’s thesis award), Arita Dutta and Tyler Gomez (recipients of the 2016 Armstrong award for distinguished teaching) and Daniel Giney (recipient of the 2016 MALL award for excellence in tutoring by a graduate student). 04/2017
- Cheng Cheng is on the College of Sciences’ Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She equates her success to the faculty members who supported her and the resources that the school offers. Cheng said. “Being brilliant is not enough to succeed in your Ph.D. pursuit. You have to be able to persist. You have to be able to bounce back when things go wrong.” (04/2017)
- Martin Rolek (advisor: Zixia Song) passed the dissertation defense on April 5, 2017. The title of his dissertation is Coloring Graphs with Forbidden Minors. (04/2017)
- Cheng Cheng, Mangalagama Dewasurendra, Arielle Gaudiello, Rasika Rajapakshage and Alexander York participated the 14th Annual Research Forum of the University of Central Florida on April 4, 2017. The forum features poster displays and provides an opportunity for students to showcase their research and creative projects. (04/2017)
- Calvin Wassmuth (Master 1978) was appointed as IT Service Delivery Mgr. at DXC (04/2017)
- Professor Bard Ermentrou (Distinguished University Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh) gave a graduate career talk, “Toys! Toys! Toys!” (03/30/2017).
- The math graduate program is rank No. 134 in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools of 2018. The Best Graduate Schools rankings are based on peer and expert opinions about the quality of a program and some statistical data that measures the quality of a school’s faculty, research and students. COS News (03/2017)
- Professor Richard Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University of Miami) gave graduate career talk, “My early mathematical career”. Professor Stanley is the Norman Levinson Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a member of National Academy of Sciences and Fellow of American Mathematical Society. (02/24/2017)
- The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) 2017 Summer Graduate Schools accepted Wei Yan’s application to attend SMS 2017: Contemporary Dynamical Systems (Canada) with financial support. (02/2017)
- Yu Feng published a paper on stationary and time–periodic patterns of two–predator and one–prey systems with prey in Volume 37 of the journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series A. 01/2017
- Cheng Cheng, Aritra Dutta, Martin Rolek gave talks in special sessions at AMS Annual meeting, Atlanta, 2017. Cheng Cheng received Graduate Student Travel Grants from AMS to attend the annual meeting. (01/2017)
- Ashish Bhatt is currently a postdoc research associate, Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation at University of Stuttgart. 12/2016
Ashish Bhatt (PhD 2016, Advisor: Brian Moore), University of Stuttgart - Congratulation to Yi Zhu (recipient of the 2016 Research Excellence Award), Ashish Bhatt (recipient of the 2016 Teaching Excellence Award), Rajitha Puwakgolle (recipient of the 2016 Teaching Assistant Award) and Arita Dutta (recipient of the 2016 Outstanding Dissertation Award). 11/2016
- Ashish Bhatt (Advisor: Brian Moore), Arita Dutta (advisors: Xin Li and Qiyu Sun) and Yi Zhu (Advisor: Yuanwei Qi) passed their defense and awarded PhD degrees. 11/2016
- Arita Dutta and Pawan Gupta attended Distributed and Parallel Data Analysis Workshop, September 21 – 23, 2016, at SAMSI (09/2016)
- Mangalagama Dewasurendra published papers in International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Communications in Numerical Analysis. (09/2016)
- NSA host an information session on the Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT). 09/2016
- Robert Muise (PhD 2003 Advisor: Ram Mohapatra, Master 1990, Bachelor 1988) was honored as the UCF Mathematics Department’s 2016 College of Sciences Outstanding AlumKnight. Dr. Muise currently serves as a senior staff engineer in the applied research department for Lockheed Martin – Missile & Fire Control, where he’s worked since 1998. COS NEWS, 07/2016
Robert Muise (PhD 2003, ), Lockheed Martin - Jeff Shape (advisor: Andrew Nevai) passed the PhD defense. His dissertation is A mathematical model for feral cat ecology with application to disease.
- Maria Strawn (advisor: Constance Schober) passed the PhD defense. Her dissertation is Modeling rogue waves in deep water.
- Congratulation to Ariello Gaudiello to make the finalists for the 2016 AIMS Student Paper Competition at the 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, which was held on July 1 – July 5, 2016, in Orlando.
- Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993) currently serves as the Senior Vice President/General Manager of the Cisco’s Service Provider Business. He was among 14 named to the 50th anniversary class of Cable TV Pioneers, 2016. She also founded the Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship and explore his interview on mathematics and technology. (05/2016)
Yvette Kanouff (Master 1993), Senior Vice President/General Manager, Service Provider Business - Matthew Russo (advisor: Sudipto Choudhury) passed the PhD defense. His dissertation is Building Lax Integrable Variable-Coefficient Generalizations to Integrable PDEs and Exact Solutions to Nonlinear PDEs.
- Congratulation to Arielle Gaudielle. She was chosen to receive the 2015-2016 university award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching by the UCF Graduate Council. The UCF Graduate Council recommended Arielle for this award based on her extensive credentials that demonstrate the significant contribution she has made as a student teacher in the mathematics department. COSNEWS 04/2016
- Congratulation to Thanapat Phoolsuk, who received the 2016 Yvette Kanouff Industrial Mathematics Scholarship (04/2016)
2015 and earlier
- Qiyu Sun was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 2015.
- Ge Lei (PhD 2015, advisor: M. Nashed) passed the PhD defense. Her dissertation is Calibration of Option Pricing in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space.
- Angela Siple (PhD 2015, advisor: P. Mikusinski) passed the PhD defense. Her dissertation is Integral Representations of Positive Linear Functionals
- Dr. Aicha Elhor Gillespie was honored as the UCF College of Sciences 2015 Mathematics Outstanding AlumKnight at the inaugural ceremony in February.
- Bert Culpepper (Master 1982), Technical support engineer at ServiceNow from February 2015.
- Dr Robert Van Gorder (PhD 2014, supervisors: David Kaup and Kuppalapalle Vajravelu) join the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford as a researchFellow. His general research interests lie in applications of mathematics and the analysis of nonlinear differential equations. These include approximation, perturbation, and numericalmethods, nonlinear PDEs, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics and turbulence, mathematical physics, integrable systems and nonlinear waves, solid mechanics, game theory and mathematical economics, mathematical biology and chemistry.
Robert A Van Gorder (Ph.D. 2014) - Morgan Phillips (Master 1991) is named as President of the West and Desert Vista Campuses at Pima Community College, July 2014
- Dr. Kamran Sadiq (PhD 2014, supervisor: Alexander Tamasan) joined Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) as research scientists on Inverse Problems and Mathematical Imaging.
Kamran Sadiq (PhD 2014) - Joseph Brennan was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 2012.
- Alison Hammack received the first graduate certificate of mathematical science, Spring 2012.
- Haimei Shao (PhD 2011, Advisor: Jiongmin Yong) was a Quantitative Researcher in Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and is currently at BB&T Funds Management. Featured in the UCF graduate catalog, Dr. Shao said “Four years of rigorous training under Jiongmin Yong, PhD at UCF made her capable of analyzing and solving problems in the real world by looking into the roots of the problem and creating the solutions from the roots as well.”
Haimei Shao (PhD, 2011), Quantitative Researcher at BBT Funds Management - Mark Crutccher (Master 1976) is appointed as Database Administrator at AAA National. 10/2010
- Jing Zhang (Master 2004) is appointed as VP, Credit Risk Management Manager at Bank of America, 09/ 2010.
- The UCF graduate program will offer the Graduate Certificates in Mathematical Sciences in Fall 2009.
- Xin Li was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 2006.
- Wu Jing (PhD 2006, advisor: Deguang Han) is currently a professor at Department of Mathematics, Fayetteville State University. Featured in the UCF Graduate Catalog 2016, Dr. Jing said “The Department of Mathematics of UCF is one of the best math departments in the nation. The outstanding faculty members and the strong academic atmosphere made UCF a great place to pursuit advanced degree in mathematics” and “I have benefited a lot in both research and teaching from the faculty members and my fellow graduate students. Without the experience at UCF, I would not have gone this far.”
Wu Jing (PhD 2006), Professor at Fayetteville State University - Robert Anschuetz (Master 1995) had new position: Training Section Manager at General Dynamics C4 Systems (12/2006)
- Aaron Masino (PhD 2004, Advisor: Cynthia Young) is currently the supervisor of data science research for the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics (DBHi) at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Featured in the UCF Graduate Catalog 2016, “As a graduate student, I had the opportunity to conduct research, publish papers in international journals, give presentations at professional conferences and assist in the management of a research team,” Dr. Masino says. “Very few graduate students are afforded all of these opportunities.”
- Sidra I. Van De Car (PhD 2003, advisor: Xin Li) is currently a Professor of Mathematics at Valencia College East Campus.
- Mohammed Alotaibi received the first Master degree with Industrial Math Track, Spring 2003.
- Ram Mohapatra was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 2001.
- John Pask (Master 1994) joined the EOS & Materials Theory group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2001.
John Pask (Master 1994), Physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - The UCF Math Master Program will add an Industrial Mathematics track in Fall 2000.
- Ahmed I. Zayed was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 1999.
- Kevin Brown (PhD 1999, advisor: S. Roy Choudhury) is currently the Professor and Chair of Mathematics, Southern Adventist University.
- Deborah Kelly and Jing Minkler are awarded the first two PhD degrees of the program in Spring 1998.
- David Rollins was appointed as the UCF Math graduate proram coordinator in Fall 1996.
- Piotr Mikusinski was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Fall 1993.
- The UCF Math Department will offer the PhD program in Mathematics since Fall 1993.
- Mark Crutcher was awarded the first Master degree of the program in Summer 1976.
- Larry Andrews was appointed as the UCF Math graduate program coordinator in Spring 1971.
- The UCF Math department will offer the Master program in Spring 1971.