- Given a virtual talk on Distributed algorithms for graph inverse filtering and wiener filtering, graph signal processing at the Workshop on Manifold and Graph-Based Learning
May 16 – 20, 2022, The Fields Institute. Video Record on Youtube
- Given a virtual talk on graph signal processing at the2022 Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, March 4-6, 2022.
- Given a virtual talk on graph signal processing and data science at Computational and Data Science Seminar, Middle Tennessee State University , February 22, 2022.
- Given a virtual talk at the Inverse Problem and Analysis seminar at Department of Mathematics, University of Delaware, October 5, 2021. Polynomial Filters of Multiple Graph Shifts
- Given an invited virtual talk at the special session “Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Stochastic Processes” organzied by Palle Jorgensen, Myung-Sin Song, James Tian, International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications 2021, Chapman University, August 9-13, 2021. IWOTA2021 Slide
- Give a seminar talk at Nankai University, July 2, 2021, on recent progress on phase retrieval and phaseless sampling.
- Join the editorial board as Frontier in Signal Processing, Associate Editor on the Session on Signal Processing Theory.
- Gave a virtual Faraway Fourier Talk at The Norbert Wiener Center on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, January 4, 2021. Slides Video on YouTube
- Join the editorial board of Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.
- Organize the Fifth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, December 18-20, 2020, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China, and gave a virtual talk.
- Nazar Emirov passed the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Distributed algorithms and inverse graph filtering”. He accepted a post-doctoral position at Boston College after graduation.
- Gave a virtual talk at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, October 5, 2020.
- Visited University of Leigh to work on the project, February 13-16, 2020.
- Give an invited talk at the AMS Special Session on Interactions of Inverse Problems, Computational Harmonic Analysis, and Imaging, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, January 15–18, 2020.
- Visited Sun Yat-sen University (China), December 16–22, 2019 and gave a talk in the department, and visited Guilin Univesity of Electronic Technology, Decemeber 22–25, 2019.
- Co-organizer the Fourth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, December 14-15, 2019, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.
- Attend a Conference Celebrating John Benedetto’s 80th Birthday, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, September 19-21, 2019.
- Gave a talk on 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, July 8-12, 2019.
- Attend the SIAM SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT19) , June 19 – 21, 2019 at Chengdu, China and accept the 2019 SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize for the paper “Sparsity and Spatial Localization Measures for Spatially Distributed Systems,” SICON 55-1 (2017), pp. 200-235, to recognize for making “a fundamental contribution to spatially distributed systems theory, showing in particular that quadratically optimal state feedback controllers for spatially decaying systems are sparse and spatially localized.” The SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize is awarded to the author(s) of the two most outstanding papers, as determined by the prize committee, published in the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) in the three calendar years preceding the award year.

- The paper, Spatially distributed sampling and reconstruction, coauthored with Cheng Cheng and Yingchun Jiang is published in Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 47 (2019), 109-148.
- Paper on Nonsubsampled Graph Filter Banks with Junzheng Jiang and Cheng Cheng is published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 67, 2019, pp. 3938 – 3953.
- Gave a talk at Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, June 17, 2019
- Gave a talk at a modern analysis conference on Analysis at Jiaxin University, June 7-8, 2019.
- Gave a talk at the HDU Workshop on Optimization Methods for Imaging and Big Data Problems, May 24-25, 2019.
- Gave a talk at Dongseo University on May 22, 2019.
- Gave a talk at the International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis and Statistical Learning 2019 to be held at Hohai University during May 17-21, 2019.
- Visited Sogang University, March 2019
- Attend the IPAM workshop on Operator Theoretic Methods in Dynamic Data Analysis and Control at IPAM, UCLA, February 11 – 15, 2019.
- Gave a talk at Hangzhou Dianzi University, December 26, 2018.
- Co-organizer the Third Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, December 15-16, 2018, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
- The paper ” Phase retrieval of real-valued signals in a shift-invariant space” with Yang Chen, Cheng Cheng and Haichao Wang was accepted by the journal Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (Nov 2018)
- Gave colloquium talks in Department of Mathematics, University of South Alabama (October 18) and Department of Mathematics, Sam Houston University (November 5, 2018)
- Gave an invited talk at the Special Session on Applied Harmonic Analysis: Frame Theory and Applications, AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting, San Francisco University, October 27-28, 2018.
- Visited Lehigh University, September 2018.
- The project “Mathematical Foundation for Signal Processing on Spatially Distributed Networks” was award by the National Science Foundation (DMS1816313).
- The paper “Phaseless Sampling and Reconstruction of Real-Valued Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces” Cheng Cheng and Junzheng Jiang was accepted by the Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.
- Organized a special session Infinite Dimension Systems and Wavelets with MarcinBownik and Xingde Dai, of the International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications (IWOTA) 2018, July 23-27, 2018, East China Normal University ,Shanghai, China. The International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA) was started in 1981 to bring together mathematicians and engineers working in operator theoretic side of functional analysis and its applications to related fields. In the even years, the IWOTA workshop is a satellite meeting to the biennual International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS).
- Gave an invited talk at the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 16-20, 2018. MTNS, the International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems is a major symposium in the general area of mathematical systems theory. The symposium is interdisciplinary and attracts mathematicians, engineers and researchers working in all aspects of systems theory. The symposium is organized every two years and traditionally covers areas involving a wide range of research directions in mathematical systems, networks and control theory.
- Visited Sun yet-sen University and Shenzhen University from July 12–15.
- Gave an invited talk at the International Symposium on Computational Harmonic Analysis, June 23–24, 2018, Behang University. This symposium will mainly discuss such topics as the theoretical basis and algorithm of compressive sensing, the theoretical basis and algorithm of phase recovery, wavelet and frame theory, interpolation approximation and the application of compressive sensing in function approximation etc, and promote the academic exchange among experts in these fields.
- Visited Beijing University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Chinese University of Geosciences, Guiling University of Electronic, Guangxi University, Hunan Normal University from June 20 to June 29, 2018.
- Gave an invited talk at the International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Its Applications, June 15-19, 2018, Yanqi Lake, Beijing. The conference mainly concentrates on harmonic analysis as well as its applications in various fields such as PDE, number theory, and probability etc.
- Attend the 7th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis in conjunction with 33th annual Shanks Lecture, and give a talk on special workshop to celebrate the 60th birthday of Akram Aldroubi, Nashville, TN , May 14–19, 2018.
- Give a colloquium talk at Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, April 20, 2018.
Attend the “Twenty Years of Biomedical Imaging and Splines” workshop , EPFL, March 23-25, 2018.
- Invited talk on the Workshop on Mathematical Challenges of Structured Function Systems, organized by Maria Charina (U Vienna), Karlheinz Gröchenig (U Vienna), Mihai Putinar (UC, Santa Barbara) and Joachim Stöckler (TU Dortmund), Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, March 19 -23, 2018.
- Colloquium talk at Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Korea on March 15, 2018.
- Invited talk at AMS Special Session on Interactions of Inverse Problems, Signal Processing, and Imaging, AMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 10–13, 2018.
- Organize The second Hangzhou workshop on harmonic analysis and applications at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, December 16 -17, 2017.
- Invited talk at the From Approximation Theory to Real World Applications Workshop, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya, China, December 11-15, 2017.
- Organize a Special Session on Applied Harmonic Analysis: Frames, Samplings and Applications with Deguang Han and Dorin Dutkay during the Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Orlando, FL, September 23–24, 2017.
- Invited talk on the special session on Harmonic Analysis and Inverse Problem, Mathematical Congress of Americas, Montreal, Canada, July 24–28, 2017.
- Invited talk on phaseless sampling and reconstruction at International Workshop on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai, Univeristy, Tianjin, China, June 15-18, 2017.
- Invited talk on Wiener’s lemma and beyond at the 5th East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, June 8–12, 2017.
- Invited talk on signal sampling and reconstruction on spatially distributed networks at the Workshop on Frame Theory and Sparse Representation for Complex Data, Institute of Mathematical Science, National University of Singapore, May 29–June 2, 2017.
- Invited talk at the International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis 2017, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, May 24–28, 2017.
- Invited talk at the International Workshop on Generalized Inverses, Space Structure, Methods of Functional Analysis and their Applications, May 12-14, 2017, Harbin Normal University, China.
- Syed Alam Abbas (PhD 2017) will be a postdoctoral research at University of New Mexico. He is supervised by Hassan Foroosh with my co-supervision.
- Aritra Dutta (PhD 2016) will be a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Edinburgh, with joint affiliation at the Visual Computing Center in KAUST, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Aritra Dutta is supervised by Xin Li with my co-supervision.
- Organize a workshop with Charles Micchelli and Mourad Ismail on high-dimensional data fitting and approximation, March 30, 2017.
- Visiting Sogang University, March 2017
- Attend the special session AMS Special Session on Inverse Problems and Multivariate Signal Analysis, Annual AMS meeting at Atlanta, January 4-7, 2017. Student Cheng Cheng gave a talk on a joint work.
- Invited talk at Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis 2016, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, December 24- 25, 2016.
- Invited talks at Zhejiang University, and Zhejiang Jiliang University, December 21, 2016.
- Invited talk on phase-retrieval on shift-invariant spaces at 2016 International Conference on Some Mathematical Approximation Approaches in Data Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, December 12-14, 2016.
- Talk on Northeastern Analysis Meeting NEAM – 1st Northeastern Analysis Meeting October 14-16, 2016, Brockport, New York, USA
- Attended Yangtze River Delta Conference on Modern Analysis, Nantong, China, July 2016.
- Visited Beijing University of Technology, Xidian University, Guiling University of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, JiaXing University and gave several talks on phase retrieval and compressive sensing.
- Joint paper “Frequency estimation of sinusoids from nonuniform samples” with Syed Alam Abbas and Hassan Foroosh was published in the journal Signal Processing, 129(2016), 67—81.
- Visit Lehigh University, April 2016
- Joint paper with Yang Chen and Qiqian Fang, Spectra of Bochner-Riesz means on $L^p$, was accepted for the publication in Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
- Visited Lehigh University in March 2016.
- Attend HIM workshop “Harmonic Analysis, Graphs and Learning”, March 14—18, 2016 at Bonn, Germany.
- Visited Sogang University, Korea in February 2016.
- Attended IMA workshop on Optimization and Parsimonious Modelling, January 2016.
- Joint paper with Cheng Cheng and Yingchun Jiang, Sampling and Galerkin reconstruction in reproducing kernel spaces, was accepted by Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.
- Visited Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Nankai University, Zhejiang Normal University and North China Electric Power University and gave talks on Wiener’s lemma and spatially distributed sampling.
- Visited Institute of Scientific Computing, Chinese Academy of Science, and gave four-week lectures.
- Visited Clarkson University and Syracuse University and gave colloquium talks on Wiener’s lemma and its application to sampling.
- Joint paper Reconstruction of sparse wavelet signals from partial Fourier measurements with Yang Chen and Cheng Cheng was published in IEEE Signal Processing Letter, 22 (2015), 2299—2303.
- Visited Auburn University at Montgonery and gave a colloquium talk on Wiener’s lemma and its application to sampling.
- Visited Lehigh University and attend Science of Autonomy Program Review meeting.Visit Sun Yat-senUniversity, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, and Jiaxin College and gave talks on Spatially Distributed Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals on a Graph.
- Attend and organize a special session on Dynamical, Nonlinear and Mobile Sampling at the 11th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2015), American University, Washington DC, May 25—29, 2015. Yang Chen and Cheng Cheng gave talks on sampling of sparse wavelet signals and sampling on high-dimensional signals.
- One of the organizers of the International Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and $q$-series, May 10—12, 2015, University of Central Florida.
- Joint paper, Spectral measures with arbitrary Hausdorff dimensions, with Xin-rong Dai was published in Journal of Functional Analysis, 268(2015), 2464—2477.
- Attend AMS Central Spring Sectional Meeting, Michigan State University, March 2015 and gave a talk on special session on frames, wavelets and their applications.
- Gave a talk in Wayne State University, March 2015
- Visited Professor Chang Eon Shin at Sogang University in March.
- Serve as a member of Technical program committee for SampTa2015.
- Attend AMS annual meeting in San Antonio, January 2015 and gave a talk on SIAM Minisymposium on multivariate signals processing and inverse problems.
- Attend AMS Fall Eastern Sectional meeting ar Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, Oct. 2014 and gave a talk on the special session on Sampling Theory.
- Yang Chen, Hunan Normal University, will visit the department for one year.
- The project “Nonlinear sampling theory: Sparsity, Localization and Optimization” is awarded by DMS, the National Science Foundation. (08/2014).
- Dr. Qiquan Fang, Zhejiang University of Science and Techonology, will visit the department for one year.
- Attend International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Applications (Nankai University, June 10-16, 2014)
- Attend 5th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis (May 19—23, 2014, Vanderbilt University) and gave a keynote speech.
- Prof. C. Micchelli visited in April.
- The paper “Localized nonlinear functional equations and two sampling problems in signal processing” was assigned Volume 40 (2014), pages 415—458 of the journal “Advances in Computational Mathematics”.
- Visit Prof. Nader Motee at Lehigh University in March.
- The paper “Rate of innovation for (non)-periodic signals and optimal lower stability bound for filtering” with Jun Xian was assigned Volume 20 (2014), pages 119-134 of the journal “Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications”.
- Visited Professor Chang Eon Shin at Sogang University in March.
- The paper “A unified formulation of Gaussian vs. sparse stochastic process—Part I” with M. Unser and P. D.Tafti was assigned Volume 60 (2014), pages 1945—1962 in the journal IEEE Transaction on Information Theory.
- Professor Xianliang Shi visited on February, 2014.
- Professor Yingchun Jiang, Guiling University of Electronic Technology, will visit for one year from February, 2014
- Attend the Time-frequency Analysis workshop and gave a talk at Erwin Schrodinger Institute from January13 to 17, 2014.
- The article “Wiener’s lemma for singular integral operators of Bessel potential type’’ with Qiquan Fang and Chang Eon Shin was assigned Volume 173(2014), pages 35—54 in the journal Monatshefte für Mathematik.
- Gave talks on nonlinear frame and sparse reconstruction at Zhejiang University (December 11, 2013) and Sunyat-sen University (December 27, 2013).
- Attend the Second Guangzhou International Workshop on Mathematical Imaging (December 14—15, 2013) and the workshop on fractal geometry and related topics (December 20—21, 2013) at Sun yat-sen University.
- The paper Michael Unser, Pouya D. Tafti and Qiyu Sun “A unified formulation of Gaussian vs. sparse stochastic process—Part I” with M. Unser and P. D. Tafti was accepted by the journal IEEE Transaction on Information Theory.
- The paper “ Wiener’s lemma: localization and various approaches” with Chang Eon Shin is published in the journal Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities (Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 465—484, 2013.
- The paper “Recovery of bilevel causal signals with finite rate of innovation using positive sampling kernels,” with Gayatri Ramesh and Elie Atallah is published in the Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Sampling theory and Applications (SAMPTA2013), 2013, pp. 129—132.
- Join the editorial board of the journal “Sampling Theory in Signal and Imaging Processing”.
- The article “Wiener’s lemma: localization and various approaches” with Chang Eon Shin was accepted to be published in the journal Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities.
- Attend the AMS Sectional meeting in Washington University, St. Louis, October 18-20, 2013 and gave a talk onSparsity of Spatially Decaying Matrices in the Special Session on Wavelets, Frames and Related Expansions, organized by Marcin Bownik, Darrin Speegle and Guido Weiss.
- Gave a colloquium talk on Wiener’s lemma: Localization and Various Approach at Department of Mathematics, Northern Illinois University on October 4th, 2013.
- The article “Rate of innovation for (non)-periodic signals and optimal lower stability bound for filtering” with Jun Xian was accepted to be published in the journal Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.
- The article “Wiener’s lemma for singular integral operators of Bessel potential type’’ with Qiquan Fang and Chang Eon Shin was accepted to published in the journal Monatshefte für Mathematik.
- Attended Applied Harmonic Analysis at University of Calgary and the workshop Recent Progress on Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis from August 27—September 1, 2013, and gave talks on abc-problems for Gabor systems, and nonlinear frames and sparse reconstructions.
- Attend CIMPA13, New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis: sparse representation, compressive sensing and multifractal analysis, from August 5 to August 16, 2013, Mar del Plata, Argentina, and give a talk on the abcproblem for Gabor systems.
- The article “Localized nonlinear functional equations and two sampling problems in signal processing” was accepted to be published in the journal Advances in Computational Mathematics.
- Gave talks at Zhejiang Normal University and Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.
- The conference proposal “Computational Analysis of Inverse Problems” by Yuanwei Qi (PI), Jiongmin Yong,Alexandru Tamasan and me was awarded by National Science Foundation (DMS 1312644).
- Attend Modern Analysis Conference in memory of Professor Jian-Gong Chen 120th anniversary from June 3 –7, 2013, and give a talk on the abc problem for Gabor systems.
- Co-organize the conference “Computational Analysis of Inverse Problems and Partial Differential Equation”, at UCF, May 9—11, 2013.
- The hooding ceremony of Gayatri Ramesh on May 4, 2013
- Christopher Huff ‘s master thesis, Applications of Compressive Sensing To Surveillance Problems, received Departmental The Master’s Thesis Award. Ram N. Mohapatra is the major professor of Mr. Huff and I am co-chaired. (04/2013)
- Attended the 14th International conference Approximation Theory at San Antonio, Texas, April 7-10, 2013, and gave a talk on Convolution stability for signals with finite rate of innovation.
- The paper “Convolution sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspaces” with Z. Nashed and J. Xian, is published in Proceeding of American Mathematical Society, 141(2013), 1995—2007. (March 2013)
- Final examination of Gayatri Ramesh for the degree of PhD on March 13, 2013. The dissertation title is:Modified Pal Interpolation and Sampling Bilevel Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation. (March 2013)
- Visited Lehigh University and worked on q-Banach algebra (March 2013)
- Charles A. Micchelli (State Univeristy of New York at Albany) visited and gave a colloquium talk on “FlatInterpolaiton” in the department on February 22, 2013.
- Attended February Fourier Talks 2013 and Workshop on “Phaseless Reconstruction” at the Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications, University of Maryland, College Park, and gave a talk on abc-problems for Gabor systems and Sampling. (February 2013)
- Organize the SIAM Minisymposium on New Trends and Directions in Inverse Problems and Signal Processingwith Zuhair Nashed at AMS annual meeting, San Diego, January 2013.
- Attend AMS meetingVisited Sun Yat-sen University and Nankai University and gave a talk on Inverse Problems in Fourier Analysis
- Attended the International Conference on “Advances on Fractals and Related Topics”, December 10—14, 2012, and gave a talk on the abc-problem for Gabor systems.
- Shidong Li from San Francisco State University visited the department and gave a colloquium talk.
- The article Divergence of mock and scambled Fourier series with Dorin Dutkay and Deguang Han was accepted to be published in the journal Transaction of American Mathematical Society.
- Visited Lehigh University from November 14 to 17, 2012.
- Gave a colloquium talk in the department on November 1, 2012.
- Dr. Ilya Krishtal, Northern Illinois University, visited the department from October 24 to 27, 2012 and gave a colloquium talk.
- Attended the International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and its Applications, Zhejiang Normal Univeristy, Jinhua, China, October 12—16, 2012, and gave a talk.
- Guozhen Lu from Wayne State University visited from October 3 to 7, 2012 and gave a colloquium talk in the department on October 4th.
- The article “Recovery of sparsest signals via $\ell^q$-minimization”, published in the journal Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis has been listed as the journal’s top 25 hottest articles for consecutive three seasons (September—December 2011, January—March 2012, and April—June 2012).
- The article Stability of localized integral operators on weighted $L^p$ spaces with Kyung Soo Rim and Chang Eon Shin was assigned at the paginated issue (Volume 33, Issue 7—9, page 1166-1193) of special issue on Operator Algebra and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals of the journal Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
- The special issue on Operator Algebra and Representaion: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals, co-edited with P. G.Casazza, Palle E. T. Jorgensen, Keri A. Kornelson, Gitta Kutyniok, David R. Larson, Peter Massopust, GesturÓlafsson, Judith A. Packer and Sergei D. Silvestrov, is published in the journal Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Volume 33, 7—9, 2012.
- Attend the “Frame Theory and Maps between Operator Algebras” and “Larsonfest” at Texas A&M University from July 16—22, 2012 and give a talk on “The abc-problem for Gabor systems”.
- Attend the Applied Harmonic Analysis at the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), Seoul, Korea, from June 18—20, 2012, give a talk on Wiener’s lemma and Nonlinear Sampling Theorem, and visited Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Korea.
- Attend the International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Applications at Nanjing University from May 21—25, 2012 and give a talk on “Spectra of fractal measures and the abc problem for Gabor frames”.
- Visit Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-Sen University, and Hunan Normal University, China from May 1 to 20, 2012, and give talks on “Two Problems in Fourier Analysis” and “Spectra of fractal measures and the abcproblem for Gabor frames”.
- Attend the Third Florida Analysis Seminar at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida, on April 28, 2012.
- The candidacy examination of Gayatri Ramesh for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on April 23, 2012. Ram N. Mohapatra co-chaired.
- Final examination of Christopher Huff for the degree of Master of Science on March 27, 2012. The thesis title isApplications of Compressive Sensing To Surveillance Problems. Co-chaired with Ram N. Mohapatra.
- Attended the 2012 Spring Eastern sectional meeting at George Washington University, Washington DC, March 17-18 and gave a talk on “Nonlinear Wiener’s lemma and its application to a sampling problem” in the special session on Analysis of Wavelets, Frames and Fractals, which is organized by Keri Kornelson and Judy Packer.
- The article “Left-inverse of fractional Laplacian and sparse stochastic processes” with Michael Unser was assigned in the paginated issue (Volume 37, 2012, 399-441) of the journal “Advances in Computational Mathematics”. The paper can be download from Journal Website free
- The article “Recovery of sparsest signals via $\ell^q$-minimization” was assigned in the paginated issue (Volume 32, 2012, 329—341) of the journal Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. This article is thethird most downloaded paper in the last 90 days according to the journal website data on April 15, 2012.
- Guihui Song from Arizona State University visited from February 21 to 27, 2012 and gave a colloquium talk in the department.
- Chang-Eon Shin from Sogang University, Korea visited from January 26 to February 6, 2012.
- The article Convolution sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspaces with M. Z. Nashed and Jun Xian was accepted by the journal “Proceeding of American Mathematical Society”.
- Attend the Joint Mathematical meeting at Boston, January 4-7, 2012 and give a talk on sampling signasl with finite rate of innovation at SIAM Minisymposium on Sparsity in Inverse Problems and Signal Processing.
- The article ““Stability of localized integral operators on weighted $L^p$ spaces” with Kyung Soo Rim and Chang Eon Shin was accepted for the publication in the Special Issue on Operator Algebra and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractal of the journal Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.
- Weekly learning seminar on signals on finite rate of innovation started from October 28, 2011.
- Alexander Singh Alvarado from CNEL, University of Florida, visited on Oct 13, 2011.
- The article “Sparse approximation property and stable recovery of sparse signals from noisy measurements” is assigned in the paginated issue (Volume 19, No 10, 2011, pages 5086-5090) of the journal IEEE Trans. Signal Processing.
- The projection “Nonlinear sampling theory for signals with finite rate of innovation” is awarded by DMS, the National Science Foundation.
- Visit Sogang University, Korea from August 7 to 14, 2011.
- The article “Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices II” is assigned in the paginated issue (Volume 34, Issue 2, 2011, pages 209-235) of the journal “Constructive Approximation” .
- Attend the International Conference on Applied Harmonic Analysis and Multiscale Computing from July 25 to July 28, 2011 at University of Alberta, and give a talk on Wiener’s lemma and two nonlinear sampling problems in signal processing on July 26, 2011.
- The article “Recovery of sparsest signals via $\ell^q$-minimization” is accepted for the publication in the journalApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis and in press.
- The article “Sparse approximation property and stable recovery of sparse signals from noisy measurements” is accepted for the publication in the journal IEEE Trans. Signal Processing.
- Visit Sun Yat-sen University from June 7 to 24 and give a talk on “Wiener’s lemma and two nonlinear sampling problems in signal processing” on June 15.
- Attend the International Symposium in Apprxoimation theory in conjuction with the 26th Annual Shanks Lectureat Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN from May 17 to May 21, 2011, and give a talk on “Two nonlinear sampling problems” on May 18, 2011. Photos taken by Peter Alfeld.
- Invited by Waishing Tang, visited National University of Singapore from May 1 to May 13, 2011, and give a talkWiener’s lemma and two nonlinear sampling problems in signal processing on May 11, 2011.
- Pete Casazza, Palle Jorgensen, Keri Kornelson, Gitta Kutyniok, Dave Larson, Peter Massopust, Gestur Olafsson, Judy Packer, Sergei Silvestrov, and I will edit a special issue on Operator Algebra and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals. The special issue will appear in the journal Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (NFAO).
- The article “Uncertainty principles and Balian-Low type theorems in principal shift-invariant spaces” withAkram Aldroubi and Haichao Wang is assigned in the paginated issue (Volume 30, Issue 3, May 2011, pages 337–347) of the journal “Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis” .
- Mr. Chun-Kit Lai, Chinese University of Hong Kong, visited from March 13 to March 18, 2011.
- Invited by Ka-Sing Lau, Sze-Man Ngai and Yang Wang, attend the AMS sectional meeting at Statesboro (March 12-13, 2011) and give a talk on “Left inverse of fractional Laplacian and sparse stochastic process” in the special session on fractals and tiliings.
- Charles A. Micchelli (City University of Hong Kong and New York University at Albany) visited from February 18 to 23 and give a department colloquium talk “A feature space perspective in learning the kernel” on February 22.
- Jose Luis Romero (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) visited from January 31 to February 3 and gave a departmental colloquium talk “Characterization of coorbit spaces through phase-space multipliers” on February 1.
- Invited by Yin Zhang, Wotao Yin and Manos Papadakias, visited Rice University and University of Houston from January 17 to 19, 2011, and give a talk Sparse Approximation Property in Compressive Sampling on Optimization seminar, Jan 18, 2011.
- The article “Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames” with Wai-Shing Tang and Deguang Han is assigned in the paginated issue in the journal “Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis”, 30(2011), 151-174.
- Invited by Ka-Sing Lau, Give a colloquium talk on Wiener’s Lemma and Nonlinear Sampling Theory at Chinese University of Hong Kong on January 7, 2011.
- Invited by Charles A. Micchelli, visit Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong from January 1 to January 11, 2011 and give a colloquium talk Wiener’s Lemma and Nonlinear Sampling Theory on January 4, 2011.
- The article “On the Beurling dimension of exponential frames” (226(2011), 285—297) with Dorin Dutkay,Deguang Han and Eric Weber is assigned in the paginated issue in the journal “Advances in Mathematics” on October 26, 2010.
- Attend the conference “Operator algebras and representationa theory: frames, wavelets and fractals” organized by Palle Jorgensen, Berndt Brenken, Gestur Olafsson and Sergei Silvestrov, at Baff International Research Station, Canada from October 9 to 10, 2010. Give a talk on nonlinear Wiener’s lemma and numerical implementation on the workshop.
- Invited by Bin Han, visit Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and give a talk on Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices and nonlinear maps, University of Alberta from October 7 to 12, 2010.
- The article “Uncertainty principles and Balian-Low type theorems in principal shift-invariant spaces” withAkram Aldroubi and Haichao Wang is accepted for publication in the journal “Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis” on September 13, 2010.
- Weekly Compressive sampling learning seminar starts friday, September 10, 2010. Slide for talk on 09/10, Slide for talk on 09/17, Slide for talk on 09/24, Slide for talk on 10/01,
- The article “Left-inverses of fractional Laplacian and sparse stochastic processes” with Michael Unser is accepted for the publication in the journal “Advances in Computational Mathematics” on September 4, 2010.
- Invited by Yang Wang, visit Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University from August 9 to August 12, 2010.
- The article “Stability criterion for convolution-dominated infinite matrices” (Proceeding of American Mathematical Society, Volume 138(2010), 3933—3943) is assigned in the paginated issue on July 26, 2010.
- Chang-Eon Shin from Sogang University, Korea visited from July 12 to July 17.
- Invited by Song Li, visit Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University from June 20 to June 26, and give a seminar talk on compressive sampling.
- Invited by Wenchang Sun, visit Department of Mathematics, Nankai University from June 14 to June 20, 2010 and give two seminar talks on sampling in reproducing kernel spaces and compressive sampling.
- Visit Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University from June 14 to June 20, 2010, and give a talk onWiener’s lemma and sampling.
- The article “On the Beurling dimension of exponential frames” with Dorin Dutkay, Deguang Han and Eric Weber is accepted for the publication in the journal “Advances in Mathematics” on June 17, 2010.
- Invited by Wen Chen, visit Shanghai Jiatong University and give a seminar talk on June 10, 2010.
- Wai-Shing Tang from National University of Singapore visited from June 1 to June 13, 2010.
- Join the editorial board of the journal “Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (NFAO)” published by Taylor and Francis on May 2010.
- The article “Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices II” is accepted for the publication in the journal “Constructive Approximation” on May 18, 2010, and available on Springer Online First from November 2, 2010.
- Give a seminar talk on compressive sampling at Audiovisaul Commumication Laboratory (LCAV), EcolePolytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) on May 11.
- The article “Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames” with Wai-Shing Tang and Deguang Han is accepted for the publication in the journal “Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis”.
- Give a seminar talk on Wiener’s lemma and sampling at The Biomedical Imaging Group, Ecole PolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) on March 16.
- The article “Local reconstruction of sampling in shift-invariant spaces” (Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 32, no. 3 (2010), pages 335-352) is assigned in the paginated issue on March 3, 2010.
- Invited by Albert Cohen, visit Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Universite Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris,France from March 1 to March 3, 2010.
- The article “Sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of L^p(R^d)” (Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 258 (2010), 2422—2452) with Zuhair M. Nashed is assigned in the paginated issue on January 23, 2010.
- Invited by Michael Unser and Martin Vetterli, spend the second half of the whole-year sabbatical leave to visitThe Biomedical Imaging Group and at Audiovisaul Commumication Laboratory (LCAV), Ecole PolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) from January to May, 2010 as a visited professor.
- Kyung-Soo Rim from Sogang University, Korea visited from January to December, 2010.
- The article “Sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of L^p(R^d)” is accepted for the publication in the journal Journal of Functional Analysis on December 22, 2009.
- Give a seminar talk on Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices and its applications at Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University on December 11, 2009.
- The article “Stability criterion for convolution-dominated infinite matrices” is accepted for the publication in the journal Proceeding of American Mathematical Society on December 7, 2009.
- Attend the Illinois/Missouri Applied Harmonic Analysis Seminar at Saint Louis University, November 14, 2009.
- Give a 20-minute talk titled “sampling and reconstruction of signals in reproducing kernel subspaces” on theSpecial Session on Inverse Problems and Signal Processing, AMS 2009 Fall Southeastern Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, October 30—November 1, 2009
- Organize a Special Session on Inverse Problems and Signal Processing with Zuhair M. Nashed during AMS 2009 Fall Southeastern Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, October 30—November 1, 2009.
- Invited by Akram Aldroubi and Douglas Hardin, spend the first half of the whole-year sabbatical leave to visitDepartment of Mathematics and Center for Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt University from August to December 2009 as a visiting associate professor.
- Attend the hooding ceremony of my PhD student, Qiling Shi, on August 8, 2009.