Processing Payments
Form Types
Updated: November 17, 2016
Payment Authorization (navigation to this form and others: Foundation website > About Us > Documents and Notices > Scroll down the page, under “Foundation Policies” > Policy IQ Site > choose the form you need. See Foundation Reimbursement Checklist.
for a complete description of what is needed.
- Payment to a company
- When using a vendor FEID
- Need original signed W-9 (first time only)
- Copy of contract, if applicable, signed off by UCF Legal Services
- Frequently used vendors: Publix, Aramark, United Trophy Mfg., Inc, Puff n’ Stuff, and Oviedo Florist
- Payment to an individual (non-employee)
- When using a SSN instead of an FEID
- Need original signed W-9 (first time only)
- Original invoice signed by Payee
- Original signed Independent Contractor form, if applicable
- Note: a UCF employee cannot be an independent contractor. See Salary Supplement
- Reimbursement to Individuals (most commonly used) (UCF Employee)
- Need PID #
- Reimburse for expenses paid out of pocket
- Interview format
- State actual position title (e.g. Assistant Professor)
- Number of guests must match receipt
- Reimbursement for meals must not exceed $50.00 per person including tax and tip
- Fund Transfer
- Transfer funds from Foundation to department to reimburse for expenditures already incurred (F&A Cashiers Office)
- Attach a copy of the Budget Transaction Detail Report highlighting the expense or the Cost Center Report for payroll
- If reimbursing for travel expenses in which a TAR was completed attach a copy
In addition to the normal invoice requirements language such as “please reimburse dept # _____, account code _________ for …..” should be added to the description
- Salary Supplement
- Please see salarysupplementrequestform for examples on how to calculate costs
- Honorariums
- For those individuals who are not state employees
- Need original signed W-9
- Original invoice/memo signed by payee and chair
Please note that for payments to outside vendors, payment by UCF PCARD and ID Transfers for direct expenses a Datamart screenshot including the expense and cash disbursement lines of the transaction will replace the prior requirement of a check number.
When using Foundation funds for reimbursements to UCF except for payroll the following should be submitted:
1. Foundation Payment Authorization Request Form and
2. Copies of initial expense documents submitted to UCF upon submission of payment and
3. Datamart screenshot showing transaction lines for recording of expense and cash disbursement
Scholarships/Award Form
- This form is found within the Policy IQ (described under Form Types above) of the Foundation website.
- For use when awarding student scholarship
- May be used for multiple students under the same scholarship for
- Send completed form to Maggie LeClair COS +1997 for processing
- The Foundation will cut a check to the UCF Cashier’s Office. The check will be returned to Foundation who will then send the check to Financial Aid
- Any outstanding fees/fines owed by the student will be deducted from the awarded amount
- The check will be mailed to the address the student has on file
To expedite this process, fax Michele Sudar in the Office of Student Financial Assistance at 3-5241, a copy of the Scholarship Form and she will begin the review process of the student’s financial status.