Policies and Procedures

Card and Key Access

Contact: Jennifer Steele
Email: Jennifer.Steele@ucf.edu
Phone: (407) 823-0875

Procedures for Room Access via Electronic Locks or Metal Key Locks
September 20, 2019

The following procedures should be used to provide individuals access or to remove access to facilities within the College of Sciences. Additionally, each unit will be subject to the following associated (required) reviews.

Planning Information
Key Card Access Add Remove Reviews
Metal Key(s) Add Remove Review
Lost and Stolen Keys Information



  • Each department should develop an effective plan for the assignment, requesting, and recording of keys issued to the department.
  • A key log is recommended to keep track of keys. Included on the log should be: date of key request, individual assigned, building number and/or name, and room number.
  • The number of master keys issued to a department should to be limited in number. Ideally limited to only administrative staff.
  • The typical keys issued to a faculty or staff member of a department are: his/her office, outer door key, and main office key.
  • Keys should not be routinely issued to students unless they are Graduate Teaching Assistants or Graduate Research Assistants and then under the supervision of their assigned faculty member.

Adding Key Card Access

  1. The individual requesting access should discuss the need with the faculty member or faculty member(s) if it is a shared space, to obtain a list of any required training or documents.
  2. For labs or rooms that require training, the faculty member should wait until they receive a notification from EHS stating that training is complete BEFORE they confirm access should be provided.
  3. Then, the individual requesting access should complete the appropriate electronic form online at https://sciences.ucf.edu/for-faculty/door-access-control/
  4. The electronic form is then routed to the “facilities liaison” associated with the room.
    1. The facilities liaison should confirm with supervisor that the required training has been completed.
    2. The request must be reviewed/approved by the chair/director if one (or both) of the following situations exists:
      • If the individual is not affiliated with the university or potentially has a conflict (e.g., works for an outside company)
      • If the access is for a sensitive or restricted access room.
  5. The facilities liaison will forward the online request to the College of Science’s Dean’s Office for implementation; at cosdooraccess@ucf.edu

Removing Key Card Access

  1. The facilities liaison sends an email to cosdooraccess@ucf.edu


• The Dean’s Office will initiate a review of all key card access after the end of each semester.
• Each unit will need to confirm to keep or remove the access for each room.
• Access for anyone whose affiliation is changing from UCF employee or UCF student to volunteer will need to provide the supporting documentation (i.e., completed and approved volunteer agreement).
• Monthly reports, of individuals with access, will be generated and stored in the Department’s Door Access List folder, located at \\net\cos\shares\[Dept Name]Door Access List, for periodic review.

Adding/Issuing Metal Key(s)

  1. The individual requesting metal key(s) should discuss the need with the appropriate Faculty member, staff, or Department Chair, to ensure the Department policies are being followed.
    1. In a building with key card access, the issuing of metal keys should be limited, especially for spaces designated as sensitive or restricted access rooms, including Laboratories.
      • It may be acceptable for the Dept. Chair, Administrative Staff, and the Faculty/PI to have a metal key for their lab.
  2. If approved, the key request will be submitted by the Key Manager for the Department.
  3. A log of all metal keys issued and returned, should be kept within the Department and should contain, at a minimum: Date of key request, individual assigned, building number and/or name, room number, and date returned.

Removing/Returning Keys:

  1. When a key holder is no longer an employee or no longer needs to have access to a particular room for which a metal key was issued, the respective metal keys issued to the key holder should be returned to the Department.

2.  Metal Keys should then be returned to Facilities Operations and a receipt of this return                        should be kept.


1. The Dean’s Office will conduct an annual review of master or sub-master key for each department.

a. Based on queries in PeopleSoft and information provided by Dean’s Office HR area regarding           individuals’ current affiliation

2. This is to confirm that keys have been returned and/or if all keys issued are still relevant.

Lost and Stolen Keys

If a key is lost or stolen, a report must be made to the UCF Police Department and the UCF               locksmith.

Consider the option of re-keying the locks of any affected spaces from which keys are missing. This should be discussed with the department chair and/or the COS Facilities Office.

UCF Key Policy: https://policies.ucf.edu/documents/3-105.pdf