Policies and Procedures

Tracking Accounting Transactions

Contact: Ashley Hilyer
Email: Ashley.Hilyer@ucf.edu
Phone: (407) 823-4578

Updated: May 2, 2014

  • Go to DataMart Encumbrance Data – http://fadm.ucf.edu/dm-Encumb.cfm?awbxcydz=998877665544332211
  • In the first line (Field Name column) leave as is (Department/Project)
  • In the second column (Operator) select “Begins With” from the drop down menu
  • In the third column (Value) enter first four digits of your department
  • Select “Run Query”  in the lower left corner
  • Select “X”  to export data to Excel

Tracking budget transactions-

  • Go to DataMart Budget Data – http://fadm.ucf.edu/dm-budget.cfm?awbxcydz=998877665544332211
  • In the first line (Field Name column) leave as is (Department/Project)
  • In the second column (Operator) select “Begins With” from the drop down menu
  • In the third column (Value) enter first four digits of your department
  • Select “Run Query”  in the lower left corner
  • Select “X” to export data to Excel

You can view the totals by selecting the ‘View Total Amount’ on the upper right corner of the DataMart Query Results screen report.

Tracking open purchase orders-

