P-Card (Purchasing Card)
Contact: Ashley Hilyer
Email: Ashley.Hilyer@ucf.edu
Phone: (407) 823-4578
Updated: April 10, 2014
This page contains a few of the key issues related to the procurement card. For more information please visit the Finance & Accounting (F&A) Procurement Card website.
- Purpose
- Obtaining P-Card
- Limitations
- Compliance
- Suspension
- Billing Address/Period
- PeopleSoft Queries
- Need to Change Limits or Type of Card?
The State of Florida entered into a contract with Bank of America to establish a procurement card (P-Card) through the Visa credit card system. The P-Card was originally intended for small dollar value purchases in order for agencies to save time and money by reducing the number of purchase orders written, and by minimizing paperwork and time.
Obtaining a P-Card
• Complete the online training course. (Training Website)
• Prepare a Cardholder Profile, Cardholder Agreement, and the Ethics & Purchasing Certification forms. They can be found on the F&A Forms website
• Obtain approval signatures and send the profile to the Procurement Card Administrator in F&A.
• Employees must be full time USPS or A&P staff or faculty members.
A list of prohibited items can be found on this page under the download section or on the F&A Procurement website (Examples of Prohibited Uses of Procurement Card). If you would like to request an exemption to this list you should contact the PCard Administrator in F&A
- P-Card transactions can’t be charged to Foundation accounts.
- A cardholder is not limited to available balances within PeopleSoft. It is a stand-alone system; therefore, it is the cardholders’ responsibility to ensure that funds are available before using the card.
- Single transaction and monthly limit. An initial limit is associated for single purchases (usually $1,000) and total monthly expenditures (usually $5,000). Monthly limitation is determined by billing cycles which is the reset with each new billing cycle. A cardholder can see their monthly limitation on the “Bank Statement” sent to them directly which should be used for reconciliation.
- Type of Card [Travel only or Travel & Commodities].
- F&A will review the cardholder’s average monthly spent and their highest single monthly spent over the past twelve months. Then add 20%, and round to the nearest thousand dollars. The cardholder and P-card approver will receive a notification from F&A if they change the limitations and/or type of card.
- P-Card charges must be approved in PeopleSoft within 10 days. The latest approvers’ manual can be found in the downloads section of this page or on the F&A website.
- Erroneous charges are to be disputed and must be followed up with the P-Card holder, the vendor, the P-Card Office, and Bank of America.
- Cardholder should provide approver with an original invoice prior to the approval taking place within PeopleSoft.
- ALL invoices greater than $1,000 need to be faxed to Luis Mena (fax #: 2-2245) whether they are taggable items or not.
- Travel Related P-Card Transactions:
- A Travel Authorization Request (TAR) MUST be completed in PeopleSoft and TAR/PO# assigned before the transaction can be approved in they system
- A copy of ALL travel related invoices should be placed with the traveler’s reimbursement voucher when submitted to Travel (Jack Jageler). DO NOT SEND TRAVEL THE ORIGINAL.
- Once the monthly bank statement is received from Bank of America, the P-Card Approver should place all of the original invoices for the transactions listed behind the Bank of American Statement in order, complete the P-Card Statement Certification form (http://www.fa.ucf.edu/Forms/Forms.cfm#Forms_PCard) and submit to F&A.
- Please make sure that all credit card numbers on the monthly statement and receipts only show the last four digits. Use a black marker to “hide” all other credit card numbers (as needed).
- Any receipts that are not 8 1/2 x 11 should be taped to an 8 1/2 x 11 blank sheet (or the back of scrap paper to save paper).
- There are two options for submission to F&A:
- Scan the entire packet (Monthly statement, certification form and invoices) and submit to pcardstatements@mail.ucf.edu.
- Entire packet can be sent via intercampus mail in an envelope marked “F&A P-Card Statements +0975
P-Card Suspension
IF A CHARGE IS NOT APPROVED WITHIN 10 DAYS THE PCARD IS SUSPENDED. The individual that approves the p-card transactions will receive an automatic email from F&A.
Billing Address and Cycle
If the vendor is asking for the billing address; please ensure that you are using the department’s direct mailing address (instead of Finance & Accounting). The use of an incorrect mailing address may result in the authorization being denied.
P-Card Statement Billing Period – Effective July 2008 the billing period starts on the 1st of each month – Prior to this the billing period started on the 5th of each month.
PeopleSoft Queries
UCF Financials Navigation: Reporting Tools–>Query–>Query Viewer. To run P-card transactions by Department and/or Project put in your dept/project’s first four digits followed by the percent sign (24xx%): FXPO_PCARD_ALL_TRANS_DEPT_PROJ To run P-card transactions by Employee (will need EMPLID): FXPO_PCARD_ALL_TRANS_FOR_EMPL
Need to Change Limits or Type of Card?
Complete F&A’s form and submit to Jack McGuire in COS Dean’s Office.
Note: This form is not currently published on F&A’s website.