Grade Appeals
Contact: Teresa Dorman
Phone: (407) 823-5167
Updated: September 17, 2019
Downloads/Links: COS_StuGradeAppealForm-2019.pdf (pdf); Golden Rule (link); (email)
This is the process and information for both undergraduate and graduate student grade appeals.
The request of a grade appeal is a very serious process and may involve a committee review of the appeal. For this reason, the college and the university encourage students and faculty to first attempt to resolve any grade conflict with the course instructor. The appeal process requires this direct resolution first. If the direct resolution is not satisfactory, the student can request additional review at the department/school level whereby the chair reviews the information and provides the student with a written response. Departments/The school may involve more steps including (but not limited to) a faculty committee review of the student’s appeal. The department/school may designate an assistant or associate chair to provide the final response; however, that individual cannot also be the faculty responsible for the course in question. If the department/ school response does not account for important factors or fails to address the basis of the appeal, the student can officially request an additional review by the college. The college will ensure that the student is familiar with the grade appeal process described in the Golden Rule, section UCF-5.106 Student Academic Appeal.
(UCF-5.016). Students are limited to four possible reasons for pursuing formal grade appeals, and these result from an instructor’s:
1. Alleged deviation from established and announced grading policy;
2. Alleged errors in applying grading procedures;
3. Alleged deviation from the syllabus policy; and/or
4. Alleged lowering grades for non-academic reasons, including discrimination.
We are careful to point out that the instructor’s professional judgment in assigning a grade or conducting a class is excluded as a reason for appeal.
Any student who pursues a grade appeal is also referred to a Student Government Association’s Judicial Advisor for assistance and advice. Contact the SGA Chief Justice via email for more information.
Please also note:
• Any student who alleges discrimination will be referred to the Office of Institutional Equity, who will review the allegations before any grade appeal is considered.
• Any student who has a Student Conduct Report associated with the course of concern cannot initiate a grade appeal until the conduct review has been completed.
If the student still wishes to a grade appeal with the college, then the student has to use the college’s grade appeal form: COS_StuGradeAppealForm-2019 (pdf). The onus is on the student to pursue the grade appeal process.