Electrodynamics II

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Lecture Section 1 The electrostatic field of conductors
Lecture Section 2 The energy of the electrostatic field of conductors
Lecture Section 3 Methods of solving problems in electrostatics
Lecture Section 5 The forces on a conductor
Lecture Section 6 The electric field in dielectrics
Lecture Section 7 The permittivity
Lecture Section 8 Dielectric ellipsoid
Lecture Section 10 Thermodynamic relations for dielectrics in an electric field
Lecture Section 11 The total free energy of a dielectric
Lecture Section 21 Current density and conductivity
Lecture Section 22 The Hall effect, Hall’s 1879 paper on discovering his effect, von Klitzing’s 1980 paper on quantum hall effect
Lecture Section 29 Static magnetic field
Lecture Section 30 The magnetic field of a steady current
Lecture Section 31 Thermodynamic relations in a magnetic field
Lecture Section 32 The total free energy of a magnetic substance
Lecture Section 33 The energy of a system of currents
Lecture Section 34 The self-inductance of linear conductors
Lecture Section 53 The magnetic properties of superconductors File and Mills 1963Meissner and Ochsenfeld 1933The Discovery of SuperconductivityOnnes 1911
Lecture Section 54 The superconductivity current
Lecture Section 58 Equations of the quasi-static field Ordal: optical constants for metals
Lecture Section 59 Depth of penetration of a magnetic field into a conductor
Lecture Section 60 The skin effect
Lecture Section 61 The complex resistance
Lecture Section 62 Capacitance in a quasi-steady current circuit Thomson 1853
Lecture Section 63 Motion of a conductor in a magnetic field
Lecture Section 75 The field equatinos in a dielectric in the absence of dispersion
Lecture Section 77 The dispersion of the permittivity
Lecture Section 78 The permittivity at very high frequencies
Lecture Section 80 The field energy in dispersive media
Lecture Section 82 The analytical properties of the frequency-dependent permittivity
Lecture Section 83 A plane monochromatic wave
Lecture Section 84 Transparent media
Lecture Section 86 Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves
Lecture Section 87 The surface impedance of metals